Keyfobs must be enrolled into the system by the installer. The keyfob can be linked to specifi c users,
which will prevent SMS text message notifi cation to the user who is interacting with the system at the
moment (if notifi cation parameters are set up in this way). The keyfob can provide either bi-directional
communication, confi rming the execution of a command with a colored indicator light, or one-way
without any confi rmation. Keyfobs control and indicate battery status and are equipped with optical and
acoustic indication.
The button functions are differentiated by lock icons. The closed lock icon sets programmed sections;
the opened lock icon unsets them. Correct command execution is confi rmed by an LED light; unsetting
– green, setting – red. A communication fault (out of the control panel's range) is indicated by a yellow
LED light fl ashing once. The buttons with symbols of full and empty circles can control another section.
Buttons of the keyfob can also be confi gured to control PG outputs in different modes: the fi rst button
switches on / the second switches off, each button can have an individual function when impulse or
change functions are used. For more functions, it is possible to press two buttons at the same time.
This way a 4-button keyfob can have up to 6 individual functions or one PG status output (e.g. turn the
lights on and off), alternatively two PG outputs (e.g. a garage door and door lock.
If the system is confi gured to Set after confi rmation the detector will indicate unsuccessful setting with
a green LED light if a device is triggered. It is necessary to confi rm setting by pressing the lock button
again. A set section will be confi rmed by a red LED light.
The keyfob buttons can be blocked to prevent accidental pressing. A command will be sent out when
a button is pressed repeatedly. A low battery is indicated acoustically (with 3 beeps) and optically with a
yellow fl ashing LED after pressing a button.
For more information, consult confi guration of the remote control with your service technician.
One-way keyfobs send a signal every time a button is pressed without receiving feedback from the
control panel. Sending a signal is confi rmed only by a short fl ash of the red LED and alternatively with
a beep.
The highest comfort for remote operating and management of the system is provided by the
MyJABLOTRON service. The MyJABLOTRON web interface is a unique service which allows on-line
access to JABLOTRON devices. It allows end-users to monitor and control the system. It is available in
a form of a smartphone app and as a web application. The MyJABLOTRON service allows users to:
:: View the current system status,
:: Set/unset the entire system or a part of it,
:: Control programmable outputs,
:: View the event history,
:: Send reports to selected users via SMS, e-mail or PUSH notifi cations,
:: Capture images from photo verifi cation devices and browse through them in the Photo gallery tab or
directly in Recent events,
:: Monitor current temperature or energy consumption, including a history overview on graphic charts,
:: And other useful features.
Depending on your country or region, a web account in MyJABLOTRON can be set up by an
authorized JABLOTRON partner. The login name is the user e-mail address. The password for the fi rst
log in will be sent to this address. The password can be changed anytime in the user settings.