CRI test procedure
Do not check any damaged and/or severely corroded
Fig. 39:
Block diagram of CRI connection
1 Test connection for return quantity and adapter with check valve
2 Test connection for injected fuel quantity with inlet filter
3 Socket
4 Injection chamber
6 Connection adapter
7 High-pressure hose
Use is to be made of the accessory set
1 687 010 399 (special accessory) for non-Bosch
The prerequisites to be observed when checking and
adjusting CRI can be found in the test instructions
for CRI in ESI[tronic] 2.0. These test instructions
do not form part of the scope of delivery.
ESI[tronic] 2.0 can not be installed on the EPS 205.
1. Clean the CRI (see Sec. 5.3).
Perform the "leak test" before fitting the injection
chamber (Fig. 39, item 4) on the CRI.
2. Attach the CRI (Fig. 39, item 5) to the clamp (Fig. 3,
item 3).
To avoid twisting and premature wear, do not
connect the high-pressure hose directly to the CRI.
Robert Bosch GmbH
3. Connect the high-pressure hose with the connection
adapter (Fig. 39, item 6, 7) to the CRI.
The connection adapter must be tightened to a torque
of between 25 Nm and 30 Nm. If the connection
between the connection adapter and the CRI is
leaking, the screw connection is not to be re-tightened.
In the event of a leak, unfasten the connection
again, clean the sealing surface and re-connect the
connection adapter applying the correct tightening
4. With Bosch CRIs, plug the adapter with check valve
into the "test connection for return quantity" (fig. 39,
item 1).
Do not use the adapter with check valve with third-
party CRIs.
5. Connect the hose assembly 1 680 712 287 to
the return of the Bosch CRI and the adapter with
check valve or, with a third-party CRI, to the "test
connection for return quantity" (fig. 39, item 1) of
the EPS 205.
6. Connect the injector-specific adapter cable
(1 684 465 841, 1 684 465 842) to the CRI and to
the "Socket" (Fig. 39, item 3).
Route the injector-specific adapter cable such that it
does not come into contact with the hot hoses.
7. Insert the inlet filter in the "Test connection for
injected fuel quantity" (Fig. 39, item 2).
8. Perform the test.
After the "leak test", the injection chamber
must be fitted on the component and the hose
1 680 712 362 connected to the quick-release
coupling of the injection chamber (fig. 39, item 4)
and via the inlet filter to the "Test connection for
injected fuel quantity" (Fig. 39, item 2).
CRI testing is described in the Online Help.
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