Settings for flow measurements
For the flow measurements, the K-factor must be specified as well as the
measurement range. The K-factor is a proportionality factor which is de-
rived from the geometric shape of the flow sensor, the speed of flow and
the viscosity of the fluid. You can find the K-factor in the sensor's techni-
cal data sheet.
1 In the PC Configuration Program window, select the measurement
type Flow for flow measurement. The field Measurement Unit chang-
es to "L/min".
2 Enter the K-factor in the K-factor field which corresponds to your
measurement. The K-factor must not be zero (maximum value 99999).
The figure is accurate to 2 decimal places.
3 The minimum value (Range From field) is always zero and can not
be adjusted.
4 Select the appropriate maximum value for the sensor's range from the
drop-down menu under the Range To field. A list of these measuring
ranges can be seen in Section 4.1.
5 If you want to confirm the settings, press Save and then Exit to close
the program. If you do not wish to save the settings, press Exit.