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Honeywell 5000 Serie Manual De Instrucciones página 6

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εφόσον είναι μιας χρήσης ("NR"). Κρατήστε τις
μη χρησιμοποιημένες μάσκες στο κλειστό
κουτί τους και φυλάξτε τες σε μη μολυσμένη
Ισχύει μόνο για τις μάσκες πολ-
λαπλών χρήσεων ("R"). Εάν η μάσκα πρόκειται
* Βελτιωμένη άνεση - Καλύτερη αναπνοή - Άριστη σταθεροποίηση - Βαλβίδα εκπνοής υψηλής απόδοσης - Εξαιρετική
εφαρμογή με τη στεγανοποίηση μισού προσώπου Willtech
5321, 5221, 5251 - Εύκολη προσαρμογή από το χρήστη - Μόνο στα μοντέλα 5221, 5321, 5251.
Filtering half-masks classified
FFP1, FFP2 or FFP3 against solid and liquid aero-
sols in concentrations up to Protection Factor x
WEL (Workplace Exposure Limit) : 4 x WEL : FFP1
class (low toxicity), 12 [10 in UK, FIN, D, I, S] x
WEL : FFP2 class (average toxicity), 50 [20 in FIN,
S, UK & 30 D, I] x WEL : FFP3 class (high toxicity).
« NR » (single-shift use) or « R » (Re-useable)
marked according to the amended standard
Do NOT use this mask to enter or
stay in an area where : • oxygen concentration is
less than 17% (oxygen-deficient atmospheres) •
contaminants and/or their concentrations are unk-
nown or immediately dangerous to life or health •
aerosol concentration exceeds levels fixed by ap-
plicable health and safety regulations or Protection
Factor x WEL • gases and/or vapours are present.
Do NOT use this mask in explosive atmospheres,
except for references supplied with a Certificate of
Conformity (Cf. manufacturerʼs Product Specifica-
tion available on Do
not use before receiving training.
that the mask is suitable for the intended applica-
tion before entering the contaminated area.
in the hand, the headbands downward. 2 – Place
the mask under the chin, the nose-bridge upward
and outside. 3 – Place the lower headband around
the neck, below the ears. 4 – Holding the mask
against the face with one hand, place the top head-
band above the ears, around the crown of the
head. 5 – For masks with adjustable headstraps,
adjust the tension by pulling on the headbands (to
reduce the tension, press on the fastener flaps). 6
* Exceptional comfort - Better respirability - Excellent fit - High performance of the exhalation valve - Exceptional comfort with the
half-seal - Full-face seal only on models 5321, 5221, 5251 - Easy individual adjustment - Only on 5221, 5321, 5251 .
Semimascarillas filtrantes con
clasificación FFP1, FFP2 o FFP3 contra aerosoles
sólidos y líquidos en concentraciones hasta del
Factor de protección x TLV (Límite de exposición
del lugar de trabajo): 4 x TLV: Clase FFP1 (baja
toxicidad), 12 [10 en UK, FIN, D, I, S] x TLV: Clase
FFP2 (toxicidad media ), 50 [20 en FIN, S, UK y 30
D, I] x TLV: Clase FFP3 (alta toxicidad). « NR »
να φορεθεί για περισσότερες από μια βάρδιες,
χρησιμοποιήστε ένα πανάκι εμποτισμένο με κα-
θαριστικό ή απολυμαντικό διάλυμα, χωρίς οι-
νόπνευμα, και καθαρίστε τον εμπρόσθιο
- Στεγανοποίηση ολόκληρου του προσώπου μόνο στα μοντέλα
: • place both hands over the mask and – exhale
sharply for a mask without exhalation valve – inhale
deeply for a mask with exhalation valve • if you feel
air leaks around the edges, re-adjust the mask by
tightening the nose-bridge and/or increasing ten-
sion of the headbands (by tying a knot) • repeat
the procedure until satisfactory face-fit has been
achieved. N.B. : requirements for leak-tightness are
unlikely to be achieved if the respirator is worn
against a beard or facial stubble.
Check the condition of the mask before use. 2 – Fit
the mask and check leak-tightness before entering
the contaminated area. 3 – Wear it for the whole
duration of exposure to contaminants. 4 – Discard
it and replace with a new one if : • it is removed
while in a contaminated area • excessive clogging
causes breathing difficulty or discomfort • it be-
comes damaged • for masks offering relief against
nuisance odours, the smell becomes detectable.
Do not alter the mask.
Leave the contaminated area if dizziness, irritation
or other distress occurs.
The user shall ensure
than one shift if it is for single-shift use (« NR »).
Keep unused masks in their closed box and store
in a non-contaminated area.
1 – Cup the mask
masks (« R »).
If the mask is to be used for more than one shift,
the face seal must be cleaned with a wipe impre-
gnated with a cleaning and disinfecting solution, wi-
thout alcohol.
(uso en un solo turno) o « R » (Reusable) marcada
ingresar o permanecer en un área en donde: • la
concentración de oxígeno sea menor que 17% (at-
mósferas deficientes en oxígeno) • los contami-
Ξεχωρίστε τα απορρίμματά σας
σύμφωνα με την ισχύουσα νομοθεσία..
Taking a new mask from its box. 1 –
The mask shall not be used for more
Applicable only on the re-useable
Sort out your waste by respecting
the regulations in force.
NO use estas mascarillas para

