Peak and Hold PRO Injector Driver
2. Presentation
The Peak and Hold PRO Injector Driver is FuelTech's most advanced current
control module, developed to drive low impedance injectors. It features eight
channels for injectors, 26 way sealed automotive connector and many engine
protection levels in case a injector fails.
High flow racing injectors usually have low impedance internal coils (less than
7Ω). That allows lower response time, meaning lower dead-time, demanding
greater electric current to be driven and requiring active current control, in
which a greater current with maximum power is applied until the needle opens
mechanically ("peak" current) followed by lower current to "hold" the injector
open, otherwise would cause injector overheat.
Peak and Hold PRO Injector Driver's current control allows higher current for
injector opening, instantly reducing and holding current to, usually, around 1/4
the initial peak current. Therefore reducing injectors deadtime (time it takes for
actual fuel njection once it has been energised).
This equipment has a precise current control and remains unaffected by voltage
variation, maintaining perfect control in any situation or electrical vehicle anomaly.
The Peak & Hold PRO Injector Driver's "peak" and "hold" current are
individually configurable.
The Peak & Hold PRO Injector Driver is compatible with other ECU's
in the market. Please call FuelTech Tech Support for mor info.
Why is current control needed?
Deadtime reduction is possible by applying max current during injector opening,
improving the response time, maintaining linearity amoung the injectors.
Limitation of the nominal current to 1/4 the opening current is necessary to
avoid injector internal coil overheat, extending injector's durability.
Limitation of the nominal current is also very important in the injector closing,
since the lower the energy stored in the coil, the shorter the time required to
mechanically close the injector. Therefore is possible to achieve a fuel injection
linearity even when operating at 80% of its capacity, when the available time to
open and close is very short.