domain): DC to 20kHz.
Cutoff frequency: ‑3dB at 100kHz.
Rise or fall time: <4µs.
Input/output quantities
Typical noise level at output (peak‑to‑peak value) measured with a Tektronix 7603 oscilloscope with
7A22 plug‑in (pass band 100kHz).
Frequency band
10mV/A range
100mV/A range
Zero offset: 1 Amax.
The ZERO thumbwheel is used for a rough correction of this offset. The correction can be refined by
adjusting the zero of the measuring instrument.
Note: We recommend checking the zero offset after measuring a very strong current. To do this, mark
a reference on the oscilloscope in the GND setting, then couple in DC; if too large an offset is observed,
it means that the clamp is magnetized.
To demagnetize the clamp, simply open and close it several times without the conductor or apply a
decreasing magnetic field to it.
Note: The frequency response may in certain cases be > 0 dB. It will always be < 3 %.
Typical frequency response curves for a measured current of 1Apeak
DC - 100kHz
1 000
10mV/A range
10 k
100mV/A range
100 k
1000 k
f (Hz)