1.3 Warranty
Küschall AG guarantees that their wheelchairs are free from
defects and are fully functional. The warranty covers all faults and
defects which are verifiably attributable to faulty construction,
substandard materials or poor workmanship. Warranty claims
against the manufacturer may only be made by the distributor
and not by the user of the product.
The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, the
consequences of improper handling or damage, poor
maintenance and incorrect assembly or commissioning by the
purchaser or a third person or faults which are attributable
to circumstances beyond our control. Wearing parts are not
covered by the guarantee. The warranty is voided if modifications
are made to the product which were not authorised and
not performed by the specialist dealer or if inappropriate
accessories or spare parts are used. The warranty does not cover
consequential costs arising from the rectification of defects such
as freight and travel expenses, labour costs, fees etc.
The term of the warranty is 24 months. The frame is guaranteed
for 5 years.
Furthermore, the terms and conditions are part of the general
terms and conditions particular to the individual countries in
which the product is sold.
1.4 Standards and Regulations
Quality is fundamental to the company's operation, working
within the disciplines of ISO 9001 and ISO 13485.
The wheelchair has been tested in accordance with EN 12183. It
includes a test for flammability.
Küschall AG is continuously working towards ensuring that the
company's impact on the environment, locally and globally, is
reduced to a minimum. We use only REACH and RoHS compliant
materials and components.
1.5 Intended use
This Active Wheelchair is intended to provide mobility to persons
limited to a sitting position.
Disabled persons ages 12 and up (adolescents and adults) with
mobility difficulties and a restriction to a sitting position.
There are no contraindications.
This active wheelchair needs to be prescribed and fit to
your specific health condition.
1.6 Service life
The expected service life is five years, presuming that the
product is used daily and in accordance with safety instructions,
maintenance instructions and intended use, stated in this manual.
1.7 Copyright protection
This User Manual is protected by copyright. It may not be
reprinted or copied or transferred to third parties in part or in full
without the prior written consent of the manufacturer.
1.8 Limitation of liability
Küschall AG accepts no liability for damage arising from:
Non-compliance with the User Manual
Incorrect use
Natural wear and tear
Incorrect assembly or set-up by the purchaser or a third party
Technical modifications
The usage of unapproved 3rd party accessories instead of a
tested and approved Invacare accessories.