All manuals and user guides at Seite 21 Dienstag, 20. August 2019 7:02 07
Use tap water for precleaning, a non-fixing disinfectant if neces-
1. Remove surface contaminants with a soft brush/cloth while
holding the product in a water bath and/or rinsing the prod-
uct under running water.
Manual Cleaning and Disinfection
Use a liquid detergent suitable for the preparation of a dipping
Use a disinfectant compatible with the detergent suitable for the
preparation of a dipping bath.
The detergent and disinfectant must be suitable for medical de-
vices made of plastic and metal and have a pH value between 5.5
and 11.
Observe the specifications from the manufacturer of the deter-
gent and disinfectant and in the chapter "Overview of Validated
1. Prepare a cleaning bath and a separate disinfectant bath.
2. In addition, prepare a fresh immersion bath with purified wa-
ter (aqua purificata).
3. Immerse the product completely in a cleaning bath, ensuring
that the product does not come into contact with other com-
ponents in the bath.
4. Thoroughly clean the surfaces with a soft brush/soft dispos-
able cloth.
5. Rinse the surfaces with tap water (at least 1 minute).
6. Repeat the preceding cleaning steps if the product still
shows visible contamination.
7. Dry the product until there are no more fluid residues visible
(e.g. with filtered compressed air).