We recommend using one of the tunnel extenders to make sure
you have a clear path through the wall. Once this is the case,
clear away any dust and debris.
To extend the cat flap's tunnel through to the outside wall,
you need to use the tunnel extender accessories to make up
this length. To calculate how many extenders you will need,
please go to page 17. It is important to remember that the end
has to stick out by at least 10mm (3/ 8 ") for the external frame
to rest on.
Stack the tunnel extenders together and then attach them to the
end of the cat flap's tunnel, using all weather tape between each
join to hold them together. Do not glue the tunnel extenders
or cat flap together. From the inside of the house, feed the
extended tunnel into the hole in the wall until the cat flap is
flush against the wall. If no adjustment to the hole shape or size
is needed then you are at the point where you can attach the cat
flap to the inside of the house.
The cat flap can be secured directly to your inside wall. To access
the screw holes needed, you have to unscrew the front frame
from the tunnel. To do this, first remove the battery cover and
screw covers, then unscrew the 4 screws and lastly pull the
tunnel and front frame apart.
Now locate the 4 screw holes, they are the larger holes in the
corners of the cat flap. Mark the hole positions using a sharp
Remove the cat flap from the wall and place it away from the
work area. Drill the four holes using the appropriate drill bits
to suit the construction of your wall, being careful not to break
through the edge of the main hole. Once drilled, put the wall
plugs into each of the holes.
Replace the cat flap, with its extended tunnel, back into the
hole. Then, using the appropriate screws for your wall plugs,
screw the cat flap to the wall - see the diagram.