When a baud rate of 2400, 4800, 9600 baud is used,
the requested information from to controller must be
sent with a minimum interval of 1 second to avoid the
controller hang-up.
Communication protocol:
Host = Master Turbo-V70SW
controller = slave
The communication is performed in the following way:
Communication RS 232 serial port connections
Communication RS 422 serial port connections
Request is an ASCII character identifying the action that
must be performed by the controller or the requested
Allowed ASCII characters:
"B" = STOP
"C" = Low Speed ON
"D" = Low Speed OFF
"E" = Request for operational parameters
"F" = Pump times zeroing
"G" = Parameters reading
"H" = Parameters writing
"I" = Request for operating status
"J" = Request for numerical reading
"K" = Request for counters reading.
"L" = Software version
"N" = Print to host serial mode change
"O" = Host to print serial mode change
"P" = Front panel operation mode selection
"Q" = Remote operation mode selection
"R" = RS 232 operation mode selection
"S" + "number" = Baud rate selection
The command "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R" and "S" are always
acknowledged in any chosen operation mode.
CRC corresponds to the sum (with inverted sign) of all the
preceding bytes.
e.g., the START command "A" in ASCII
inverted it will be: FF + 1 - 41 = BF.
code = 41;
87-900-883-01 (C)