Led R - Electrode Diameter.
The electrode diameter is displayed as a result of settings for the material (led L), position (led M), and
thickness (led S). The display U shows the recommended electrode without flashing; the operator may
use the knob Y to also display other diameters, but these will be shown flashing to indicate that they are
not recommended.
Knob Y.
In Parameter Selection Internal mode adjusts the welding current visualized on display O, or the value
of the function selected with the key AP and visualized on display U.
In Tig and Job mode adjusts the value of the function selected with key AP and visualized on display U.
Display O.
In every operating mode it visualizes the current value based on following conditions:
In the operation without output load it visualizes the set up current.
In the operation with load it visualizes the welding current and its levels.
Together with led P "Hold" lit the last welding current.
Inside the synergy it visualizes the current in relation to the selected thickness (par. 7.4.4).
In some cases it indicates part of a message completed from the display U:
if to the modality selection does not correspond an existing Operating Mode it visualizes not
(complete acronym not Mod);
in the event of Power Source error message it visualizes the acronym Err. On display U appears the
number of the error;
the acronym TH blinking indicates the thermostat intervention;
in the "Service Functions" menù (par. 9) visualizes the acronyms no, PL, the "number of Job" (es.:
in the "Second Functions" menù (par. 10) visualizes the acronyms H2O, rob, FdU, HF, GAS, Mot
(HSP, LSP, Frq, dtY, Pdy, Aut, SdY, rEt), CrA (CrC, tCr).
During the selection of the programs free or stored visualizes the acronyms PL... P01... P09.
Led N - Indicator for display O.
It lit when display O indicates the current.
Display U.
In every operating mode it visualizes the value of the Power Source output voltage, both in the no load
operation as during the welding.
When the led P (Hold) is lit, visualizes the voltage of the last feature of carried out welding.
In every operating mode, for every welding process, it visualizes the value of the function selected
through the key AP, adjustable with knob Y.
In Parameter Selection Internal mode, with the synergy activated (led I lit), it visualizes the acronym of
the materials to weld (if led L lit), the acronym of the welding positions (if led M lit), the diameters of
electrode (with led R lit).
In some cases it indicates part of a message completed from the display O:
if to the modality selection does not correspond an existing Operating Mode it visualizes Mod
(complete acronym not Mod);
in the event of Power Source error message, it visualizes the error number. On display O appears the
acronym Err;
in the "Service Functions" menù (par. 9) visualizes the possible choices in answer to the function
indicated on display O;
in the "Second Functions" menù (par. 10) visualizes the possible choices in answer to the function
indicated on display O.
Led Q - Indicator for display U.
It lit when display O indicates the voltage.