Set Zero Menu
Only use the Set Zero function when the monitor no longer displays zero. See
Periodic Inspection and
This option allows users to set the sensor Zero. In the main Set Zero
screen, press enter to begin. If there is a remote sensor connected, on
the Standalone Mode, you must scroll to select Z1 (built-in sensor) or Z2
(remote sensor).
Before starting the calibration, connect the regulator to the
appropriate cylinder (nitrogen for all sensors except combustible,
which uses air).
Adjust the flow rate to the indicated rate.
Connect the tubing from the regulator to the sensor calibration
cap as shown in
Let the gas flow for at least 2 minutes before starting calibration.
The next screen requests confirmation. Use the arrow keys to
display Yes and press enter to confirm.
A confirmation screen briefly displays and the zero calibration begins.
A success or failure message displays and the screen returns to the main
menu option.
Point Gas Monitor Technical Manual
* Menu *
Set Zero
Set Zero
Figure 4. Calibration Installation
Monitor Operation
Set Zero