Defender 5000 Indicators
6.3 Alibi
A SD memory card is necessary to use Alibi memory, or an error message will display (SD card is
not installed).
If the Alibi option is set On, the additional menu item Auto Print and Review will display.
Each time a demand print is triggered or a "P" command is received, specific data fields include ID
number, a stable reading, tare weight, date and time will be stored in Alibi memory.
If Auto Print is set to be On, Specific Interval Print data fields include ID number, a stable reading, tare
weight, date and time will also be stored in the Alibi memory.
User can browse or search the Alibi record, and the Alibi record contains the following information:
Gross /Net weight, tare weight and weight unit
Date and time
One screen just can show one alibi record, and it shows the latest alibi firstly.
Press the
Press the
Press the
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button to enter the ID, and search the alibi record.
button to enter an ID range.
button to print out the selected alibi records to the serial port.