All holes should be sealed with silicone or foam.
Check with a sheet of paper that the fans blow in the right direction.
The drain circuit should be slanted on all evaporators and the moisture trap
shoul be installed.
The hole should be located at the expansion valve on all evaporators.
The temperature sensor should be connected on all evaporators.
The in-cab control box should be located in a spot that it is accessible and
visible from the driver's position.
The contact draw should be made.
Checking the Installation
Hoses should not be taut (they should be able to absorb vibrations and be
shortened in case of leaks).
Hoses should not rub against moving parts, sharp parts, or parts that can reach
high temperatures.
The oil return should be connected.
The fluid injection hole should be properly located (R-404A units only).
The compressor should be primed with oil.
The unit should be connected to the battery.
The drive kit test should have been carried out.
The seal test should have been carried out.