Full: Same eff ect is obt ained as in t he PC Wide
Pict ure
4:3 squeezed video camera or DVD
pict ure
DTV 16:9 aspect rat io pict ure
Full M ode
" Full" st ret ches t he 4:3 pict ure
horizont ally only, t o f ill t he 16:9 screen.
Downloaded from:
Norm al: Select t o view t he images as signals
are received.
Ordinary 4:3 signals in normal view ing
Any movies designed f or aspect rat io of
16:9 or movies w it h subt it les and also
signals f rom DVD and video cameras
Some DVD t it les and images f rom video
cameras in normal view ing
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V Center:
Select to adjust the vertical centering
of the picture so that the image on the screen
w ill be centered betw een the top and the
bottom of the frame.