Other standards and/or technical speci� cations
Standard or technical speci� cation
Guaranteed sound power level L
Guaranteed sound power level L
Guaranteed sound power level L : 101 dB(A)
(1) Where possible, reference is to be made to the applicable parts or provisions of the standard or the technical speci� cation.
Kolding 02/12/2019
Kirsten Vibeke Jensen
Product Safety Manager
Manufactured in P.R.C.
Schou Company A/S
Nordager 31
DK-6000 Kolding
All rights reserved. The content of this manual may not
be reproduced, either in full or in part, in any way by
electronic or mechanical means, e.g. photocopying or
publication, translated or saved in an information storage
and retrieval system without written permission from
Schou Company A/S.
Title of standard or technical speci� cation