The owner's involvement during the first use of the product is a key factor in
obtaining the best results.
Do not leave your dog unattended with the collar on until he is used to wearing
it and you are satisfied that it is working correctly. You should ensure that the
settings are adjusted correctly for your dog.
Closely watch your pet during the first days' use.
When your dog is barking, let the collar operate without interference. Any
interference on your part could be taken as a sign of consideration and
consequently barking would be an effective means to have your attention attracted.
As soon as your dog stops barking, congratulate him (but not excessively) by
stroking him, verbally flattering him, or giving him dry food so as to encourage him
to behave himself.
Remember that barking can indicate some behavioral problems. The bark limiter
collar will allow you to resolve problems caused by excessive barking.
Contents of the product
- 1 Canicalm Small collar fitted with nylon strap, short contact points, and rechargeable
- 1 charging station
- 1 charger
- 1 magnetic key (magnet)
- 1 pair of long contact points
- 1 neon test lamp
- This user's guide
Advice to obtain the best results
Gb - 16