During this stage of operations noise
levels may be up to 85 dB(A). We re-
commend that operators wear hearing
Deciding from which side of the wheel
the tyre must be demounted
A Narrow side - Side for mounting the
B Rim channel
C Wheel
D Wider side - You cannot mount tyres
from this side
The two sides may be almost identical,
but only the narrow side serves for tyre
mounting and demounting
Identify the side for tyre mounting and
make sure that this side is facing upward
when you install the tyre on the table top
(i.e. facing toward the mount/demount
Special instructions
Alloy wheels
Some alloy wheels on the market have
minimal rim channels or are even comple-
tely without rim channels (these wheels
are not DOT approved).
A No rim channel
When working these wheels it is possible
to damage the tyre, the rim or both,
with the risk of the tyre exploding
under pressure causing serious injury
or death. When mounting tyres on this
type of wheel, use the utmost caution.
European style high performance wheels
(asymmetrical curvature)
Some European wheels have very pro-
nounced curves on the rim edge, except
in the area of the valve hole. On this type
- Operator manual
As 933 - As 934 - As 943 - As 944 - As 946
of wheel bead breaking must be performed
in correspondence with the valve hole and
on the lower and upper side of the wheel.
A Valve hole
B Slight curvature
C Pronounced curvature
Wheels for Corvette, BMW, Lamborghini
and other wheels with "Low pressure
indicator system"
Some types of high performance wheels
are equipped with a pressure transmitter
secured to the rim with a belt on the side
opposite the valve hole. On this type of
wheel bead breaking must be done initially
in correspondence with the valve hole, on
both sides of the rim.
A Valve hole
B Transmitter
C Attachment belt
Bead breaking
- Fully deflate the tyre, removing the valve
- Adjust the aperture of the bead breaker
shoe by turning the screw on the cylinder
rod (fig.10, except for AS 933 - AS 934).
- Position the wheel as shown in fig.11
and bring the bead breaker shoe to the
edge of the rim.
IMPORTANT: During the bead breaking
operation, you are advised to keep the
table top closed (locking clamp towards
center) (A fig.11).
- Press the pedal 10 (fig.11) to operate
the bead breaker and detach the bead
from the rim.
Repeat this operation on the other side
of the wheel.
It may be necessary to break the bead at
several points to free it completely.
After detaching the beads, remove the
old balancing weights.
- Thoroughly lubricate the sides of the
tyre around the entire circumference of
the lower and upper bead to facilitate
the demounting and avoid damaging the
beads (fig.12).