a. Continue in atin up to the ma imum alue o
the rim
oid distractions durin this operation and continually chec tyre pressure on
the air pressure au e to pre ent e cessi e in ation n atin tu eless tyres requires
a lar er air o to orce the eads past the
tu eless tyres
b . Chec that the eads are correctly inserted in the rim other ise de ate the tyre
rea the eads as descri ed in the rele ant section lu ricate and turn the tyre on the
epeat the mountin operation descri ed pre iously and chec a ain
R isk of e x plosion . During the b ead insertion phase , do not e x ceed the ma x imum
pressure indicated b y the manufacturer on the side w all of the tyre .
nce the ead has een inserted refit the internal part o
the al e and then in ate the tyre to the pressure indicated
y the ehicle manu acturer
the tyre is e cessi ely in ated the air can e released y
pressin the rass manual de ation utton located elo the
air pressure au e
- Disconnect in ation hose rom al e rod
- a e the operatin arms to the non - position
- emo e the heel rom the tyre chan er
9 . 7 . c. SP ECIA L P R O CEDUR E ( T I V ER SIO N )
ersion acilitates ead insertion and in ation o u eless tyres throu h the emis-
sion o a stron
et o air rom the no les placed near the loc in
U ser' s manual
3 0
ar to position the tyre correctly on
rim - see rim profiles or mountin
3 1
ed es
3 2
3 3