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Fasep RASE.2131.T Manual De Instrucciones página 112


Idiomas disponibles
  • MX

Idiomas disponibles

T o keep the machine in optimal conditions of safety and operation, the employer
must hav e the follow ing periodic checks performed b y the authorized serv ice
netw ork.
P eriodic checks
a periodic chec o in ation pressure au e e ery
periodic chec o the in ation pressure relie
c periodic chec o the re ulator filter o the pneumatic supply at the machine inlet e ery
d periodic chec o the unctionality o all the machine controls e ery
e periodic chec o the ma imum pressure relie
chec o some parts o the machine such as sa ety and protection de ices parts su ect
to ear parts su ect to pressuri ed uids tan s connections pipes etc
nections etc.
the equipment is to e scrapped sort all electrical electronic iron and plastic components
Dispose o the components separately in compliance ith local re ulations
he disposal procedure descri ed elo only applies to equipment ith the arred in sym ol
on the ratin plate
his product may contain su stances that are potentially harm ul to the en ironment and
human health unless disposed o properly
he in ormation pro ided elo is intended to pre ent these su stances rom ein released
into the en ironment and to impro e the use o natural resources
his product may contain su stances that are potentially harm ul to the en ironment and
human health unless disposed o properly
he in ormation pro ided elo is intended to pre ent these su stances rom ein released
into the en ironment and to impro e the use o natural resources
Electrical and electronic equipment must ne er e disposed o in the usual municipal aste
ut must e separately collected or proper treatment
he arred in sym ol a fi ed on the product and sho n in this pa e is meant to remind users
that the product must e disposed o properly at the end o its li e cycle
his pre ents the inappropriate disposal o the su stances contained in this product or the
improper use o parts o this product and the resultin ha ards or the en ironment and human
health t also helps to ensure that many materials contained in this product are reco ered
recycled and reused
al e e ery
al e mounted on the tan s e ery
electrical con-
U ser' s manual



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