o this end manu acturers and dealers o electrical and electronic equipment maintain special
systems or the collection and disposal o such equipment
t the end o the product li e cycle contact your dealer or in ormation a out disposal procedures
pon purchase purchasers are o ered the opportunity to return their end-o -li e equipment
to dealer ree o char e pro ided that the equipment is o the same type and ser ed the
same purpose as the ne ly-purchased product
nyone disposin o the product other ise than as descri ed a o e ill e lia le to prosecu-
tion under the la s o the country here the product is disposed o
e also ur e you to adopt other en ironmental- riendly practices recycle the internal and
e ternal pac in materials hich come ith the product and dispose o spent atteries in-
stalled in the product properly
ith your help
e can reduce the amount o natural resources used to produce electri-
cal and electronic equipment minimise the use o landfills to dispose o old products and
impro e quality o li e y pre entin the dischar e o potentially ha ardous su stances into
the environment.
Disposal of w aste oil
e er pour aste oil in se ers storm drains ri ers or streams collect and deli er it to
companies authorised to collect it.
O il spills or leaks
Contain spilla es usin soil sand or other a sor ent material
must e de reased
and all residual cleanin material must e disposed o in accordance ith procedures
as prescri ed y la
P recautions for the use of oil
oid contact ith s in
- Do not allo oil mists to orm or spread in the atmosphere
dopt the ollo in simple hy ienic precautions
a oid oil splashes suita le clothin
ash yoursel requently usin soap and ater do not use cleanin products or sol-
vents that irritate the skin or remove its natural protective oil
do not dry your hands usin dirty or oily ra s
chan e your clothes i soa ed or in any case at the end o the or shi t
ne er smo e or eat ith oily hands
dopt the ollo in pre enti e and protecti e measures as ell
mineral oil resistant lo es ith eece linin
U ser' s manual
ith sol ents a oidin the ormation and sta nation o
protecti e shields on machines
he contaminated one