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Miller Dimension 630 Manual Del Operador página 14


Recycle or dispose of used coolant in an environmentally safe way.
Hot Parts can burn. Do not touch hot parts bare-handed. Allow cooling period before handling parts or equip-
Connect Green Or Green/Yellow grounding conductor to ground terminal first.
Connect input conductors (U/L1, V/L2, W/L3) to line terminals.
= < 60
Símbolos y definiciones diversos
Environmental Protection Use Period (China)
Feed wire between guide pins into drive rolls.
Voltaje de entrada
Soldadura por arco
metálico protegido
por gas (GMAW)
Soldadura de arco
con alambre con
núcleo fundente
Corte por arco con
Use coolant suggested by the manufacturer.
electrodo de carbo-
no y aire (CAC-A)
Soldadura por arco
Falling unit can cause injury. Do not move or operate unit where it could tip.
Operación Lift Arc
(GTAW sin HF)
OM-272476 Página 8
Recycle or dispose of used coolant in an environmentally safe way.
Hay una lista completa de piezas disponible en
Hot Parts can burn. Do not touch hot parts bare-handed. Allow cooling period before handling parts or equip-
Connect Green Or Green/Yellow grounding conductor to ground terminal first.
Connect input conductors (U/L1, V/L2, W/L3) to line terminals.
Environmental Protection Use Period (China)
Feed wire between guide pins into drive rolls.
Hazardous voltage remains on input capacitors after power is turned
Los capacitores de entrada permanecen cargados con un voltaje peli-
off. Do not touch fully charged capacitors. Always wait
groso aún después de haber apagado la alimentación. No toque los
after power is turned off before working on unit, AND check input ca-
capacitores pues están completamente cargados. Aguarde siempre
pacitor voltage, and be sure it is near 0 before touching any parts.
60 segundos después de haber apagado la unidad para trabajar en
ella, Y mida el voltaje del capacitor de entrada y asegúrese de que el
valor medido sea cercano a 0 (cero) antes de tocar alguna pieza.
Hazardous voltage remains on input capacitors after power is turned
off. Do not touch fully charged capacitors. Always wait
Conecte primero el cable de puesta a tierra verde o verde/amarillo al
power is turned off before working on unit, AND check input capacitor
terminal de puesta a tierra. A continuación conecte los conductores
voltage, and be sure it is near 0 before touching any parts.
de entrada a los bornes de línea U/L1, V/L2 y W/L3.
Always lift and support unit using both handles. Keep angle of lifting
Use lifting eye to lift unit and properly installed units only.
device less than 60 degrees.
Use lifting eye to lift unit and properly installed units only.
Use el ojal de izado para levantar la unidad y solo los accesorios que
Use a proper cart to move unit.
Use a proper cart to move unit.
Use a proper cart to move unit.
estén bien instalados.
Use un carro apropiado para mover la unidad.
Engine fuel plus flames or sparks can cause fire.
Soldadura de Arco
Remove unit from shipping crate. Remove Owner's Manual from unit.
Soldadura por arco
Follow instructions to install muffler.
de tungsteno prote-
gida por gas
Inductancia variable
Read Owner's Manual. Read labels on unit.
Fuerza del arco
Move jumper links as shown on inside label to match input voltage at
job site. Include extra length in grounding conductor and connect
grounding conductor first. Connect line input conductors as shown on
inside label. Double-check all connections, jumper link positions, and
input voltage before applying power.
Plugged filter or hoses can cause overheating to the power source
Convertidor de Fre-
and torch.
cuencia Estática Tri-
fásica- Transforma-
dor- Rectificador
Voltaje de carga
Every 100 hours, check and clean filter and check condition of hoses.
Corriente de solda-
dura nominal
Voltaje primario
Máxima corriente
efectiva de entrada
Safe119 2015
Safe119 2015 05
60 seconds
Safe42 2017 04
Safe120 2015
Safe120 2015 11
5 minutes
Safe43 2017 04
Safe121 2016
Safe121 2016 04
Safe44 2012 05
Safe122 2016
Safe122 2016 04
Safe45 2012 05
Safe123 2016
Voltaje nominal sin
Safe123 2016 06
carga (OCV)
Ciclo de trabajo
Safe46 2012 05
Safe124 201
Safe124 2017 02
Por ciento
Safe47 2012 05
Corriente Directa
Safe49 2012 05
Adecuado para sol-
dar en áreas con un
mayor riesgo de
descarga eléctrica
Corriente nominal
máxima de
Safe50 2012 05
Grado de
Safe51 2012 05
Conexión de Línea
Corriente Alterna
Safe52 2012 05
Conexión a tierra
Safe53 2017 04

