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Instruction Manual
Manual de instrucciones
High Performance RTR 1/8th Monster Truck
Hellfire RTR
En Es


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Resumen de contenidos para HPI Racing HELLFIRE

  • Página 1 Instruction Manual Manual de instrucciones High Performance RTR 1/8th Monster Truck 12005 Hellfire RTR En Es...
  • Página 2 Shut off engine first, then turn off receiver switch and turn off transmitter last. ● After running Hellfire RTR, it is necessary to perform routine maintenance. Failure to do this can result in increased wear and damage to the engine and chassis. Heat, Fire, and Fuel Safety    ...
  • Página 3: Tabla De Contenido

    Contents Contenidos Section Sección Contents Contenidos Page ‥‥‥‥‥‥  Thank you Gracias ‥‥‥‥‥‥  Contents Contenidos ‥‥‥‥‥‥  Overview Vista general ‥‥‥‥‥‥  Start Up Guide Guía de inicio ‥‥‥‥‥‥  2 - 1 Preparation for Running Preparación para rodar ‥‥‥‥‥‥  2 - 2 Transmitter Preparation Preparación emisora ‥‥‥‥‥‥ ...
  • Página 4: Overview

    Fuel Bottle Screwdriver 74107 (JP) Botella Destornillador Glow Plug Igniter combustible Calentador 74151 AA Alkaline Batteries HPI Racing Temp Gun Baterías alcalinas AA Termómetro HPI Racing 74318/74348 (US) 38704/38705 (JP) Glow Fuel Combustible glow Necessary for maintenance Material para mantenimiento...
  • Página 5: Chassis Details Detalles Del Chasis

    Chassis Details Detalles del chasis Receiver Antenna Antena receptor Radio Box Caja radio Receiver Switch Interruptor Brake Freno Fuel Tank Deposito combustible Sway Bar Barra estabilizadora Rear Gear Box Transmisión trasera Front Gear Box Pull Starter Transmisión delantera Arrancador Shock Engine Amortiguador Motor...
  • Página 6: Start Up Guide

    Start Up Guide Guía de inicio Please read the instructions before running. Por favor, lea las instrucciones antes de rodar Preparation for Running Preparación para rodar Body Removal Retirar la carrocería Receiver Battery Removal Retirar la batería de recepción Battery comes installed in the chassis. 75106 Please unplug and remove before charging.
  • Página 7: Transmitter Preparation Preparación Emisora

    Transmitter Preparation Preparación emisora Straight (Neutral) Antenna Steering Wheel AM Transmitter Crystal (TX) Recto (neutro) Antena Volante dirección Cristales emisora AM (TX) The crystal can be replaced to change frequencies. Extend the antenna to the maximum Note: You must also change receiver crystals! Left turn Right turn length for best performance.
  • Página 8: How To Control R/C Models Como Controlar Modelos R/C

    How To Control R/C Models Como controlar modelos R/C Activating R/C Unit Conexión equipo radio Make sure no one else is using the same radio frequency as you are using. Check the radio Turn on transmitter first, then turn on receiver. system and range before every driving session.
  • Página 9: Linkage Setup Ajuste Varillaje

    Linkage Setup Ajuste varillaje Important Importante If throttle linkage is not set up correctly the car may lose control after Trim adjusts neutral position of servo. the engine is started. Make adjustments with the engine off. Si el varillaje del acelerador no esta bien ajustado , puede perder el Ajuste los servos en posición neutral.
  • Página 10: Starting Engine And Break In

    Starting Engine and Break In Puesta en marcha y rodaje These instructions will explain the running procedure, how to prepare the car, turn on radio equipment, start the engine, break in the engine, shut off the engine, and shut off the radio equipment. When starting the engine for the first time, you must perform the break in procedure. Make sure no one is using the same frequency.
  • Página 11 Step 5 Glow Plug and Starter Bujía y puesta en marcha Attach the glow igniter to the glow plug. Start the engine by pulling the starter cord in short pulls (no longer than 12”max). Remove the glow igniter as soon as the engine is running.
  • Página 12: Engine Tuning After Break In

    Zona seguridad Mas gasolina = graso ( 99°C ) 74151 Rich Fuel Mixture HPI Racing Temp Gun A slightly rich fuel mixture delivers a cooler running 190°F Termómetro HPI Racing ( 90°C ) temperature and more lubrication but with slightly less power and longer engine life.
  • Página 13: Optional Tuning Ajustes Opcionales

    Fuel Mixture Tuning Tips Ajuste de altas ● Following the tuning steps, tune the engine until its maximum performance is reached. While a lean motor will have higher performance, it can lead to premature engine wear or failure. Use the following information to tune your engine to your driving conditions. Remember a slightly rich setting is a safer setting.
  • Página 14: Carburetor Factory Setting

    Carburetor Factory Setting (Break In Setting) Carburador ajustado de fabrica (Ajustes de rodaje) High Speed Needle is set flush with groove, Idle Adjustment Screw, Low speed needle and Mid Range Needle are designed to be set flush with the Low Speed Needle Mid Range Needle carburetor body.
  • Página 15: Troubleshooting

    2-11 Troubleshooting Averías If R/C car does not move or you have no control, see below. Si el coche no se mueve o no responde Problem Problema Cause Causa Solution Solución Section Engine Does Not Start. Out of fuel. Fill the tank with fuel and prime engine. Motor no arranca Sin combustible Llene el deposito y cebe el motor...
  • Página 16: Necessary For Maintenance Material Necesario

    Maintenance After running you should clean the chassis and perform routine maintenance to keep the car in good running order. Después de rodar limpie el chasis y siga las instrucciones de mantenimiento para dejar el coche preparado para los Mantenimiento siguientes usos Necessary for maintenance 9062...
  • Página 17: Chassis Maintenance Mantenimiento Chasis

    Chassis maintenance Mantenimiento chasis Brush Oil Spray After running, clean the car and lubricate these points. Pincel Aceite en spray Replace damaged parts, check that all the screws are tight. Después de usarlo,limpie el coche y lubrique los siguientes puntos. Sustituya las partes dañadas y reapriete todos los tornillos.
  • Página 18: Air Filter Maintenance Mantenimiento Filtro Aire

    Air Filter Maintenance Mantenimiento filtro aire Proper Air Filter Maintenance Mantenimiento correcto filtro aire Dirt is the biggest enemy of a nitro engine and proper air filter maintenance is one of most important factors that will affect your engines longevity. We recommend cleaning the element after every run. It is always a good habit to check the element after every run to make sure it is properly seated in the filter body and that the body is fully seated on the carburetor.
  • Página 19: Radio Maintenance Mantenimiento Radio

    Radio Maintenance Mantenimiento radio Transmitter Emisora The crystal can be replaced to change frequencies. Do not use same frequency as other cars. Transmitter antenna must be extended. AM Transmitter crystal (TX) Cristal emisor AM (TX) Los cristales pueden cambiarse para variar la frecuencia. No use la misma frecuencia que los demás usuarios.
  • Página 20: Clutch Maintenance Mantenimiento Embrague

    Clutch Maintenance Refer to Exploded View Maintenance Point If clutch shoes or spring are damaged. Mantenimiento embrague Vea despiece 5-1 Revíselo si las zapatas o los muelles están estropeados Change the gear ratio to suit the running conditions. Ajuste el desarrollo en función del terreno Gear Chart Tabla desarrollos Clutch Bell...
  • Página 21: Gear Box / Differential Maintenance Mantenimiento Transmisión Y Diferencial

    Gear Box / Differential Maintenance Refer to Exploded View Maintenance Point If parts are damaged. 5-3 5-4 Mantenimiento transmisión y diferencial Vea despiece 5-3 5-4 Revíselo si hay partes dañadas Gear Box / Differential removal and installation Montaje y desmontaje transmisión y diferencial If parts are damaged, repair or replace them according to the instruction below.
  • Página 22 Front and Rear Differential Maintenance Refer to Exploded View Maintenance Point If parts are damaged or oil level is low. 5-3 5-4 Mantenimiento diferenciales del/tras Vea despiece 5-3 5-4 Revíselo si hay alguna parte dañada o si el nivel de aceite es bajo 2.0mm 87521 Z260...
  • Página 23 Center Gear Box Maintenance Refer to Exploded View Maintenance Point If brake parts are worn or damaged. Mantenimiento transmisión central Vea despiece 5-1 Revíselo si los frenos o las zapatas están dañadas Center Gear Box Removal and installation Montaje y desmontaje trans. central Proper Spur Gear Mesh.
  • Página 24 3-10 Center Differential Maintenance Refer to Exploded View Maintenance Point If parts are damaged or oil level is low. 5-1 5-2 Mantenimiento diferencial central Vea sección 5-1 5-2 Revíselo si hay alguna parte dañada o si el nivel de aceite es bajo 2.0mm 86519 Z164...
  • Página 25 3-11 Shock maintenance Refer to Exploded View Maintenance Point If oil is leaking or shock shaft or O-ring is damaged. 5-3 5-4 Mantenimiento amortiguadores Vea sección 5-3 5-4 Revíselos si hay perdida de aceite o el vástago o juntas están dañados 75075 Z685 Silicone O-ring S4 (3.5x2mm)
  • Página 26: Montaje Servo Dirección

    3-12 Servo Maintenance Refer to Exploded View Maintenance Point If servo gears are damaged. Mantenimiento servos Vea sección 5-3 Revíselo si los piñónes del servo están dañados Steering Servo Assembly Montaje servo dirección 2.0mm 85515 Route wire through the hole. Pase el cable por el orificio Z082 Z950...
  • Página 27: Montaje Varillaje Acelerador

    Throttle Linkage Assembly Montaje varillaje acelerador 2.0mm 1.5mm Z085 Flat Head Screw M3x15mm Tornillo avellanado M3x15mm Z352 Button Head Screw M3x8mm Tornillo cabeza redonda M3x8mm 85507 18mm Brake Linkage Varillaje freno 85507 Airtronics / JR / KO Z224 Z700 86571 Set Screw M3x3mm 85507 Hitec...
  • Página 28: Mantenimiento Motor Nitro Star K4.6 Ho

    3-13 NITRO STAR K4.6 HO ENGINE Maintenance Mantenimiento motor Nitro Star K4.6 HO Engine Maintenance Mantenimiento motor Drain all remaining fuel from the fuel tank. Use a fully charged glow igniter and try to restart the engine to burn any remaining fuel out of the lines. After burning off the fuel, remove the glow plug and add several drops of after run oil, then crank the engine over to spread it throughout the engine.
  • Página 29: Montaje Motor

    Rebuilding The Engine エンジンのリビル ド There comes a time when your engine just won’t provide the performance it 2.5mm did when it was new. When that time comes a rebuild is in order. Follow the steps below to disassemble, repair and then reassemble the engine. Thread Lock Oil Spray Fijatornillos...
  • Página 30: Tuning And Setup Ajuste Y Puesta A Punto

    Ajuste y puesta a punto The Hellfire is the most tunable racing truck currently available. Most of the adjustments can be made in very small increments to fine tune your handling and response. Use setup guide and the included setup sheets to start tuning your truck.
  • Página 31: Camber

    Camber Caídas Use the upper link turnbuckles to adjust camber. Always use negative camber (tires leaning in). More camber usually gives more progressive tire slipping, while less camber will give a more direct feeling. Adjust according to tire wear. 1.5 degrees of negative camber is a good starting point. Use a gauge for precise measurement. アッパーアームのターンバックルを調節してキャンバー角を調整します。...
  • Página 32: Sway Bar

    Sway Bar Barra estabilizadora Adjust the stiffness of the front or rear anti roll bar by using a thinner or thicker wire and by adjusting the collar position. Ajuste la dureza de las barras estabilizadoras cambiando el grosor de las barras o ajustando el ajuste de las rotulas de fijación Stiffer Softer Sway Bar...
  • Página 33: Shock Absorbers Amortiguadores

    Use con aceite denso si el circuito es plano Piston Hole Type There are two different types of shock pistons that can be used Tipo de agujero in the HELLFIRE. En el Hellfire puede usar dos distintos tipos de agujeros. Piston Hole Type Characteristics Tipo de agujero Características Straight Compression and Rebound damping are the same.
  • Página 34: Shock Mounting Position Posición Amortiguadores

    Shock Mounting Position Posición amortiguadores You can change the shock mounting position by leaning the shocks at different angles, and also moving the shock closer or further from the centerline of the car. You accomplish this by moving the shock top and bottom mounts to different locations on the shock towers and lower arms. Puede cambiar la posición de loa amortiguadores inclinándolos en distintos ángulos y acercarlos o alejarlos del centro del chasis.
  • Página 35: Kick Up

    4-10 Kick Up Inclinación delantera Adjust front kick-up of the front lower arms by changing the eccentric bushing in the plate at rear of the front bulk head. Ajuste la inclinación delantera variando la posición de las excéntricas de la placa posterior de los trapecios delanteros Chassis Kick Up = 7.0°...
  • Página 36: Front Toe

    4-13 Front Toe Pinzamiento delantero Adjust by adjusting the length of the steering link turnbuckles. Modifíquelo variando la longitud de los tirantes de dirección Front Toe Pinzamiento del. Front Toe Characteristics Características Pinzamiento delantero Toe-in Toe-out Mas pinzamiento Menos pinzamiento Toe-in More straight-line stability.
  • Página 37: Rear Anti Squat

    4-16 Rear Anti Squat Anti-hundimiento trasero Adjust rear anti squat of rear lower arms by changing the eccentric bushings Ajuste el anti-hundimeinto de los trapecios traseros mediante los casquillos excéntricos 85504 Anti squat angle Characteristics Eccentric Bushing Anti-hundimiento Características Casquillo excéntrico 3.5°...
  • Página 38 Page 38...
  • Página 39 Page 39...
  • Página 40 Page 40...
  • Página 41 Page 41...
  • Página 42: Parts List

  • Página 43: Listado Piezas

    B028 Casquillo dirección Rodamiento 6x10x3mm 86509 B085 Poste dirección Rodamiento 8x16x5mm 86510 Z082 Bandeja superior aluminio Hellfire Tornillo avellanado M3x8mm (hex) 86514 Z083 Disco de freno Tornillo avellanado M3x10mm (hex) 86515 Z085 Disco de freno/zapatas de freno Tornillo avellanado M3x15mm (hex)
  • Página 44 21, William Nadin Way, Swadlincote Derbyshire DE11 0BB (+44)1823 229400...

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