Step 3: Perform a valve check
IMPORTANT: Weakness in valve wiring can cause systems to fail or perform unreliably, so we
recommend performing a valve check on all stations
After connecting the field wiring to the solenoids a valve test can be performed to
access the wiring and solenoid integrity. To perform this test use the Up or Down arrow to move
from the main ET Water screen to the "Valve Test" screen. At "Enter Station" there are two options:
• Valve test all will go through and briefly test each connection and for each declare an OK for
properly connected, Short for shorted wiring or solenoid, or Open for an open circuit
• Valve test and a station number will measure and display the current consumption for the
selected station. 100 to 600 milli Amps (mA) is an acceptable range with 150 to 250 mA being
normal for one solenoid connected
Troubleshooting Tips
• If all or groups of stations are found Open then suspect a valve common wire is not connected.
• The coils inside the solenoid can burn causing a short.
• The LED on the base module can give supporting information. Red means Open OR a Short.
Green means correct current consumption.
Step 4: Attach valve wires
Attach your labeled valve wires to their corresponding terminals, and attach the common wire
to any of the available valve common (VC) terminals or any
uncoated metal in the enclsoure. You will need to strip the
insulation back by about a quarter of an inch, making sure
that no exposed wire comes in contact with other parts of
the module. Once the valve wires are attached, you may
replace the lower panel.
ET Water does not recommend operating the controller with "add a zone" or "doubler" de-
vices, nor using a valve common wire that is shared with other controllers.
If you are connecting a
master valve, pump, flow or
rain sensors, see Steps 9 and
10 for instructions once the
basic installation is complete.