Check operation of the equipment by moving regulator
"LO" (1) rightwards to the limit and checking that the
indicator indicates approximately zero.
(1-2) a la posición "MAX". La pantalla (3) del equipo se
encenderá mostrando el voltaje presente a la entrada del
equipo. Compruebe la actuación del equipo moviendo el
regulador "LO" (1) a tope a la derecha y comprobando
que el indicador indica aproximadamente cero.
4.2. Setting operations
The equipment has two regulators marked "LO" (1) and
"HI" (2). The "LO" low voltage regulator (1) sets the cut-off
tension due to low voltage.
The "HI" high voltage regulator (2) sets the cut-off tension
due to high voltage. Additionally, the "LO" regulator (1) has
a compulsory cut-off range that serves an operation check
of the equipment and as a voluntary switch at normal
For maximum protection, put regulators (1 and 2) into
position "MAX".
The equipment will have high protection but have the risk
of frequent service stops followed by restarts that may
reduce work productivity.
For elemental protection, put regulators (1 and 2) into
position "MIN". The equipment will have few service
stops, only due to situations of very high risk. In exchange
herefor, interruptions will diminish.
In any case protection against high voltage peaks will
always be secured.
Optimum protection for welding. For inverter technology
arc welding equipments, position regulators into position
"W" ("W" for welding).
This position secures good protection in standard or sub-
standard equipments without frequent interruptions due to
electrical noise generated by the machine itself.
In power supply conditions lower than 245 V A/C, the
"LO" low voltage regulator (1) serves as switch for the
equipment when set rightwards to the limit.
In power supply conditions higher than 240 V A/C, the
"HI" high voltage regulator (2) is that which will operate as
switch when it is set leftwards to the limit.
5. General instructions for use
Put the machine into operation and adjust it in accordance
with the above instructions. Connect the equipment to be
protected to the output of the OVERCONTROL. Turn on
the equipment to protected.
Operation is automatic.
When a hazardous situation arises, OVERCONTROL will
cut off the power supply until the hazardous situation has
disappeared or for a minimum 2 sec alert period.
At the same time power supply has been cut off, the
display screen will show a value of 002 to 004 to alert on
the power cut-off due to start of the protection.
The two setting regulators cover a very broad range of
voltages for protecting against both voltage drops and
Regulate in accordance with your needs, starting from
points "W" in the case of welding units and from a point
between "W" and "MAX" for optimum protection for the
rest of the equipments.
In environments where there are bad power supply,
imperfect generators or environments with high electrical
noise, but it is indispensable to work, protection may be
reduced by advancing regulators (1 and 2) to their "MIN"
protection positions.
The 3-digit 7 segment display high-brilliance LED screen
(3) shows the value of the voltage supplied to the input of
In the case of high consumption of a low-quality installation
or with a long extension cord and having sections of less
than 2.5 mm2, (even worse when the extension cord
is rolled up), or a bad or little powerful generator, large
voltage drops may be confirmed on the screen.
It is reminded that relevant voltage drops are also
dangerous and that OVERCONTROL informs you on that
situation and offers the protection cut-off setting from 140
V A/C onwards.
IMPORTANT: Both, the plug (4) to which OVERCONTROL
is connected and its plug (5) and power output are of the
SCHUKO type and certified for a maximum intensity of 16
ampere RMS flowing therethrough.
However, the capacity of the OVERCONTROL circuit is
40 amperes RMS, sufficient for a high-power equipment
or installation of up to 9 KVA.
Despite the good design of the SCHUKO connectors
and the generalized abuse much above 16 amperes, the
abuse of these connectors above 16 amperes is neither
lawful nor recommended.
Contact your STAYER distributor regarding the migration
to professional connectors (for example IEC60309) if you
are going to work at high power.
6. Servicing and maintenance instructions
The equipment does not require any special maintenance.
Keep OVERCONTROL clean, dry and without shocks.
Disconnect OVERCONTROL and remove its cover from
time to time, and clean its inside by blowing compressed