The instruction manual for this device consists of a general and specific instructions,
both must be carefully read and understood before use. Attention! This leafleat shows
the specific instruction only.
SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS EN 360:2002 | EN 1496:2006-B.
Any activity carried out at a height of more than two metres requires the use of Person-
al Protection Equipment (PPE) as a protection against the risk of a fall. Before access-
ing the work station, all the risk factors must be evaluated (environmental, concomi-
tant, consequential).
EN 360:2002 - Personal protective equipment against falls from height / Retractable
type fall arresters. EN 1496:2006-B - Personal protective equipment against falls from
height / Rescue lifting devices. Attention! This device is for vertical use. Attention! The
lifting/lowering function is for rescue purposes only and not for lifting/lowering loads.
Attention! The device should only be used by trained and/or competent persons or
by persons placed under the direct supervision of a trained and/or competent person.
Device parts (Fig. 1): A) Upper connector; B) Swivel; C) Upper attachment point; D)
Screws and nuts; E) PA casing; F) Label (front / back); G) Mode switch knob; H) Mode
switch pin; I) Lever; L) Auxiliary arm; M) Auxiliary arm fixing pin; N) Integrated line bu-
ilt with a galvanized steel cable Ø 5 mm; O) Crimp; P) Lower swivel connector with
fall indicator.
System parts (Fig. 2): A) SERIES 119 device; B) SERIES 119 support; C) Tripod support
1 (Ref. No. KITSUPA119, compatible with the Arachnipod model); D) Tripod; E) Tripod
support 2 (Ref. No. KITSUP0119, compatible with the Tris model).
2) MARKING. The following indications are reported on the label (Fig. 3): 1) Product
name; 2) Number of the EN standard of reference; 3) Length of the integrated line in
m; 4) Device for vertical use; 5) Maximum lowering distance in m; 6) Logo that advises
the user to read the instructions carefully before use; 7) CE marking; 8) 0333 - Num-
ber of the notified body responsible for the control of the manufacturing; 9) Individual se-
rial number; 10) Manufactured in Europe; 11) Name of the manufacturer or person re-
sponsible for placing the product on the market; 12) Pictograms with general warnings.
General warnings (Fig. 5): 5.1) Maximum permissible load; 5.2) Permissible thermome-
tric range; 5.3) Maximum permissible angle; 5.4) Do not perform repairs; 5.5) Check
the integrity of the device before use; 5.6) Check that the line recoils correctly; 5.7) Test
the locking action by pulling the line; 5.8) Connect the device only to EN 795 anchor
points; 5.9) Connect to an EN 361 fall arrest attachment point; 5.10) Verify the mini-
mum distance needed under the feet of the operator (X); 5.11) Be careful of the pendu-
lum effect; 5.12) Be careful of sharp edges. 5.13) Check that the swivel cannot move
so far as to cover the green ring (fall indicator activated).
3) TRACEABILITY (Fig. 4). The device includes an individual serial number (AAAA-MM-
YYYY) composed by progressive number (AAAA), month of manufacture (MM) and year
of manufacture (YYYY).
4) CHECK LIST. Before and after each use carry out the following inspection: 1) Make
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