WORKOUT PROFILE: Shows the incline level of selected workout.
The dot matrix will show the incline profile as
you progress through a program.
• TIME: Shown as minutes : seconds. View
the time remaining or the time elapsed in
your workout.
• INCLINE: Shown as percent. Indicates the
incline of your walking or running surface.
• DISTANCE: Shown as miles. Indicates
distance traveled or distance remaining
during your workout.
• SPEED: Shown as mph. Indicates how fast
your walking or running surface is moving.
• CALORIES: Total calories burned or calories
remaining to burn during your workout.
• PACE: Indicates how many minutes it takes
to complete a mile while running or walking
at your current speed. For example: If at your
current speed it will take you 10 minutes to
complete a mile, the treadmill will display
'10.0' as your pace.
• HEART RATE: Shown as bpm (beats per
minute). Used to monitor your heart rate
(displayed when contact is made with both
pulse grips).