Configuración del sistema
2.3 Fichero de configuración "basesys.ini"
; or ON_MASTER (highest priority),
; or ON_CLIENT_SYNC (starts DHCP client only, synchronization active),
; or ON_CLIENT_NO_SYNC (starts DHCP client only, synchronization
; inactive),
; ON_MASTER is used to make this machine deterministically the
; DHCP master server, but should be used only for one server
; in the network.
; This is the range of dynamic IPs given out by the DHCP server
; Defaults should be sensible
; If once a DHCP master was seen, the DHCP server waits this many seconds
; for the master to show up before trying to become the active server
; DNS domain name used for names in system/TCU network
; (default is "local" to conform with RFC)
; FixedDomain and FixedNameservers can be used to define a DNS domain and
; nameservers, if the DHCP/DNS server on system network is disabled
; If DisableNATRouting is set to 1, the NCU won't forward
; from TCU or IBN net
; (X120 anad X127, resp.) to external net (X130).
; If set to "X120" or "X127", forwarding will only be
; disabled from that interface.
; If DisableIBNNet is set to 1, the whole interface will be disabled
Manual de puesta en marcha, 03/2013, 6FC5397-1DP40-3EA1
Sistema operativo NCU (IM7)