sodiUM oR CalCiUM HYPoCHloRiTe
These materials are satisfactory for use with the polystyrene resin in your water softener.
5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite
These solutions are available under trade
names such as Clorox™. If stronger solutions
are used, such as those sold for commercial
laundries, adjust the dosage accordingly.
1. Dosage
1.5 fluid oz.
2. Application
a. Manually put the water softener into
b. Let the softener proceed through the first
cycle, about (10) minutes.
c. Add the sodium hypochlorite solution to the
brine well inside the brine tank.
d. Let the softener proceed with the
regeneration process.
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Calcium Hypochlorite
Calcium hypochlorite, 70% available chlorine, is
available in several forms including tablets and
granules. These solid materials may be used
directly without dissolving before use.
1. Dosage
2.5 grains (approx. 0.13 oz.)
2. Application
a. Manually put the water softener into
b. Let the softener proceed through the first
cycle, about (10) minutes.
c. Add the sodium hypochlorite solution to the
brine well inside the brine tank.
d. Let the softener proceed with the
regeneration process.