PeRfoRManCe daTa sHeeT
WaTeR sofTeneR sYsTeM Model
Rated Service Flow Rates: AQU36
Rated Softening Capacity: AQU36
0.875 ft.
of high capacity cation exchange resin
Min. - Max. Working Water Pressure
Min. - Max. Operating Temperature
Maximum flow rate to drain during
This system has been tested and certified by WQA according to NSF/ANSI-44 for the specific
performance claims as verified and substantiated by test data. The softener is a DIR efficiency
rated system, which also complies with specific performance specifications intended to minimize the
Model # Ameriflow 20-1200-AQU36
amount of regenerant brine and water used in its operation. Efficiency of the softener is valid only at
the stated salt dosage. Efficiency rated softeners shall have a rated salt efficiency of not less than
3350 grains of total hardness exchange per pound of salt (based on NaCl equivalency), and shall
not deliver more salt than its listed rating. The type of salt recommended is sodium chloride, specifi-
cally formulated for water conditioning units. Efficiency is measured by a laboratory test described
as NSF/ANSI 44 standard. The test represents the maximum possible efficiency that the system can
Efficiency Rating: 4670 grains/lb. of salt and 16,400 grains at 3.5 lb. salt setting.
achieve. Operational efficiency is the actual efficiency achieved after the system has been installed.
It is typically less than the efficiency due to individual application factors including water hardness,
water usage, and other contaminants that reduce the softener's capacity. System testing utilized
sodium chloride regenerant specifically formulated for water conditioning units. The softener is not
Ameriflow Water Systems
intended for treating water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate
disinfecting before or after the system. Please see service manual for user responsibility, parts and
service availability, product warranty and any further restrictions, or limitations to the use of this
Model # Ameriflow 20-1200-AQU36
Efficiency Rating: 4670 grains/lb. of salt and 16,400 grains at 3.5 lb. salt setting.
Ameriflow Water Systems
47 • 8/08 AQU36WS
Efficiency Rated Capacity
@ 3.5
@ 9
@ 15.0
@ 3.5
@ 9
@ 15.0
: aQU36
10.7 GPM @ 15 PSI pressure drop
16,400@ Low (3.5 lbs.)
26,400 @ Standard (9 lbs.)
30,400 @ High (15 lbs.)
4,670 grains/lbs. of salt @ 3.5 lbs. of salt
16,400 grains
20 min.- 120 max. PSI 85 PSI day time pressure
: 35º F to 100ºF •
2.1 GPM
20-120 psi
35-100° F
525 W. 21st. Street
Tempe, AZ 85282
20-120 psi
35-100° F
115 W. 1st Ave. Suite C
Mesa, AZ 85210
: 35ºF to 100ºF