First function;
Second function;
the maximum capacity.
Third function;
First function;
First function;
Second function;
First fonction;
Second fonction;
First fonction;
Second fonction;
Third fonction;
First fonction;
Second fonction;
Third fonction;
Press this key to switch on the scale.
to place the reading of the display at "0", the value of the display must be lower to + 2% of
to move to the right in the programming mode.
: press and hold the key during 3 seconds to switch of the indicator.
to choose the unit of weight.
to exit from the programming mode.
: to remove (tare) the weight of a container.
to move to the left.
to view the number of accumulations and the accumulated weight.
To remove the memory of the accumulations.
To increase the values inside the programming.
To accumulate in memory the value of the weight that appears in the screen.
manual transmission of data through RS-232 port to a PC or printer.
confirmation key in the programming mode.