3. Leather Shell [Models N5A and
a. To clean, use only mild deter-
gents and lukewarm water. To
remove dripping of tar, industrial
cleaners (such as DuPont
Remover) can be used. Use only
on tar spots, not the entire sur-
face. Other spots can be
cleaned with alcohol if an organ-
ic solvent is required. Markings
or touch-ups can be done with a
good quality enamel.
4. Flannel Headband Liners [All
Models except N5A and N6A]:
a. To clean flannel headband liners,
machine wash and dry on low
1. Inspect the helmet, including all
accessories after EACH use for
impact, thermal, and use damage.
NEVER use a damaged helmet.
Keep this helmet in working order
by following the maintenance pro-
cedures carefully. Follow the
guidelines below when inspecting
the helmet components. If there is
any damage, remove the helmet
from service immediately and
repair or replace the damaged
component before using the hel-
2. Disassemble and thoroughly
inspect helmets that have:
a. Been exposed to excessive heat
b. Taken an impact
c. Sustained damage
3. Do not attempt to test the helmet.
The performance properties of the
helmet or its components cannot
TAL 4011 (L) Rev. 9 - 10043529
be properly tested by the user in
the field.
Inspect the helmet after EACH use
following this inspection procedure.
Replace ANY part showing wear or
damage. Failure to follow the
inspection procedure may reduce
helmet performance and result in
serious personal injury, disease, or
Helmet Shell - Replace if any of
these conditions exist:
1. Leather Shells (N5A, N6A):
a. Shell punctured
b. Rib stitching cut or broken
c. Exposed reinforcing wire
2. Fiberglass/Kevlar Composite
Shells (HP3, 515, 515E, 660C,
660CE, 664, 990, 990E, 1000,
1010, 1044):
a. Cracks longer than one inch
b. Any size crack that is completely
through the shell material
c. Soft spots equal to or larger to
than thumb pad. Smaller soft
spots require inspection of
Impact Cap.
3. Thermoplastic Shells (360S, 660,
a. Any cracks
b. Dull or chalky finish
c. Exposed reinforcing wire (880)
Edge Trim
Reattach if separated but intact.
Replace if broken or aluminum
core exposed.