3.8 Turn off the irrigator
The Aqua Stim caloric irrigator will go into standby mode from the ready state after ten minutes has
elapsed or the irrigation temperature selection button is pressed twice. If the Aqua Stim is used in
conjunction with the VNG software, then the software will send the Aqua Stim into standby mode at the
end of the test. When the Aqua Stim is in the standby mode, it is safe to turn off the power switch on the
back panel.
Select Cool / Warm
3.9 Draining the internal water
The Aqua Stim holds 300 ml of water internally. Some water will remain inside the irrigator and its tubes
after irrigations. This water must be drained prior to shipment of the irrigator.
To remove the tubes, push on the small ring next to the tube using two finger tips and pull
gently on the tube.
1. When the irrigator is in standby mode press the Time Up/Down buttons simultaneously. This will put
the irrigator in Drain mode.
Use Handle Drain
2. Point the handle into an empty bucket (with at least 500ml capacity) and click the handle button to
initiate a flush of the internal tank.
3. At the end of the drain cycle, power off the irrigator.
Drain Complete
Turn Off Power
4. Disconnect all the tubes (red, blue, grey and white), the handle electrical connector and the USB
cable. Some water will come out of the handle tubes. Some water will come out of the Red / Grey
outlet connector. Please have a towel handy to clean up drips. Hang the handle assembly up and put
the tubes in a bucket to drain manually.
The Aqua Stim should now be drained of water and ready for shipping. Drain the external tank,
disconnect remaining tubes / cables and pack the irrigator components with proper packing material in
the provided shipping container.
Aqua Stim Water Irrigator – Instructions for Use - EN
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