
Idiomas disponibles
  • MX

Idiomas disponibles

Enlaces rápidos

1. Introduction
To all residents of the European Union
Important environmental information about this product
This symbol on the device or the package indicates that disposal of the device after its lifecycle could harm
the environment.
Do not dispose of the unit (or batteries) as unsorted municipal waste; it should be taken to a specialised
company for recycling.
This device should be returned to your distributor or to a local recycling service.
Respect the local environmental rules.
If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities.
Thank you for buying the PROMIX20M! This is a 2-channel stereo disco mixer for use at home or for DJ's. Read the
manual carefully before bringing the device into service. If the device was damaged in transit, don't install or use it and
contact your dealer. Make sure everything is in the box:
• mixer
• manual
• power adapter
2. Safety Instructions
• Keep this device clear of heating devices.
• Put the power switch in the OFF position before you connect the device to the mains.
• Do not place beverages near or on top of the device. Disconnect the device from the mains as soon as possible if
a liquid has penetrated the housing. Have the device checked by a qualified technician before using it again.
Damages caused by a liquid penetrating the housing are not covered by the warranty.
• Never let the power cord come into contact with other cables.
• Place all faders and volume controls in their minimum position ("0") before activating the device.
• Turn the amplifier on last and off first.
• An excessive volume can cause hearing damage.
• Damage caused by disregard of certain guidelines in this manual is not covered by the warranty and the dealer
will not accept responsibility for any ensuing defects or problems.
• A qualified technician should install and service this device.
• Do not switch the device on immediately after it has been exposed to changes in temperature. Protect the device
against damage by leaving it switched off until it has reached room temperature.
• This device falls under protection class II and features protective insulation. Have a qualified person carry out the
electric connection.
• Make sure that the available voltage does not exceed the voltage stated in the specifications of this manual.
• Do not crimp the power cord and protect it against damage. Have an authorised dealer replace it if necessary.
• Disconnect the device from the mains to clean it or when it is not in use. Handle the power cord by the plug only.
• Note that damage caused by user modifications to the device is not covered by the warranty.
• Keep the device away from children and unauthorised users.
• There are no serviceable parts inside the device. Consult an authorised dealer for maintenance and repairs.
3. General Characteristics
• This device is a professional mixing panel, allowing you to mix audio signals from different music sources. The
operating current is 12V, 50/60Hz and the device should only be used indoors.
• Always use the included power supply. The power supply falls under protection class II and the mixing table under
protection class III.
• Do not shake the device and avoid brute force when installing or operating the mixing panel.


Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para HQ-Power PROMIX20M

  • Página 1 If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities. Thank you for buying the PROMIX20M! This is a 2-channel stereo disco mixer for use at home or for DJ’s. Read the manual carefully before bringing the device into service. If the device was damaged in transit, don't install or use it and contact your dealer.
  • Página 2: Panel Description

    8. Removable crossfader: a super fast crossfader between the 2 input channels. The signal only changes when the crossfader has left the midway point. 9. Cue-selector: With this button you select which channel you want to hear in the headphone. PROMIX20M VELLEMAN...
  • Página 3 Tone control +12dB@100Hz, 10KHz Boost at centre frequency Hi -26dB @ above 10KHz Low -26dB @ below 100Hz Dimensions 347 x 138 x 108mm Weight 2.7kg The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice. PROMIX20M VELLEMAN...
  • Página 4: Algemene Kenmerken

    PROMIX20M – 2-KANAALS STEREO DISCO MENGPANEEL 1. Inleiding Aan alle ingezetenen van de Europese Unie Belangrijke milieu-informatie betreffende dit product Dit symbool op het toestel of de verpakking geeft aan dat, als het na zijn levenscyclus wordt weggeworpen, dit toestel schade kan toebrengen aan het milieu.
  • Página 5: Installatie En Bediening

    3. Ongebalanceerde masteruitgang: de stereo-ingangen zijn ongebalanceerde RCA aansluitingen met een lage impedantie. Het uitgangsniveau wordt geregeld door de masterfader. 4. Opname-uitgangen (record): deze uitgangen worden gebruikt om het signaal door te geven aan een extern toestel bvb. een recorder. Deze uitgangen worden niet beïnvloed door de masterregeling. PROMIX20M VELLEMAN...
  • Página 6: Promix20M - Table De Mixage Stéréo À 2 Canaux

    347 x 138 x 108mm Gewicht 2.7kg De informatie in deze handleiding kan te allen tijde worden gewijzigd zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving. PROMIX20M – TABLE DE MIXAGE STÉRÉO À 2 CANAUX 1. Introduction Aux résidents de l'Union européenne Des informations environnementales importantes concernant ce produit Ce symbole sur l'appareil ou l'emballage indique que, si l'appareil est jeté...
  • Página 7: Prescriptions De Sécurité

    • Ne regardez pas directement la source lumineuse comme ceci peut entraîner des crises d'épilepsie chez certains gens. • Les dommages occasionnés par des modifications à l'appareil par le client, ne tombent pas sous la garantie. • Gardez votre PROMIX20M hors de la portée de personnes non qualifiées et de jeunes enfants. 3. Caractéristiques générales •...
  • Página 8 8. Entrée microphone : un jack ¼” balancé sur le panneau frontal permet de brancher votre microphone. 9. Réglage gain du microphone (amplification) : réglage d'amplification pour régler le volume du microphone. 10. Connexion casque : ce jack ¼” sur le panneau frontal permet de connecter votre casque. PROMIX20M VELLEMAN...
  • Página 9: Promix20M - Mesa De Mezclas Estéreo De 2 Canales

    Si tiene dudas, contacte con las autoridades locales para residuos. ¡Gracias por haber comprado la PROMIX20M! Ha comprado una mesa de mezclas estéreo de 2 canales para DJ o para el uso a casa. Lea cuidadosamente las instrucciones del manual antes de usar el aparato. Si ha sufrido algún daño en el transporte no lo instale y póngase en contacto con su distribuidor.
  • Página 10: Características Generales

    • Utilice sólo cables de calidad superior para una buena reproducción del sonido. • Utilice sólo la PROMIX20M para aplicaciones descritas en este manual a fin de evitar p.ej. cortocircuitos, quemaduras, descargas eléctricas, etc. Un uso desautorizado puede causar daños y anula la garantía completamente.
  • Página 11: Descripción

    8. Entrada micrófono: este jack equilibrado de ¼” en el panel frontal permite conectar el micrófono. 9. Ajuste de ganancia del micrófono (amplificación): ajuste de amplificación para ajustar el volumen del micrófono 10. Conexión auriculares: este jack equilibrado de ¼” en el panel frontal permite conectar los auriculares. PROMIX20M VELLEMAN...
  • Página 12 Peso 2.7kg Se pueden modificar las especificaciones y el contenido de este manual sin previo aviso. PROMIX20M – PROFESSIONELLES KOMPAKTES MISCHPULT - 2 KANÄLE An alle Einwohner der Europäischen Union Wichtige Umweltinformationen über dieses Produkt Dieses Symbol auf dem Produkt oder der Verpackung zeigt an, dass die Entsorgung dieses Produktes nach seinem Lebenszyklus der Umwelt Schaden zufügen kann.
  • Página 13: Allgemeine Eigenschaften

    Kurzschluss, Brandwunden, elektrischem Schlag, Lampenexplosion, usw. verbunden. • Anschluss der Geräte: Stellen Sie den Stromschalter und die anzuschließenden Geräte auf OFF. Stellen Sie die Mastertaste auf die niedrigste Einstellung. Wenden Sie sich falls nötig an einen qualifizierten Techniker PROMIX20M VELLEMAN...
  • Página 14: Installation Und Bedienung

    Frontplatte (Siehe Abb. 3) 8. Mikrofoneingang: ein symmetrischer ¼”-Anschluss auf der Frontplatte zum Anschließen Ihres Mikrofons. 9. Mikrofon GAIN-Regelung (Verstärkung): eine eigene Verstärkungsregelung für das Mikrofon zur Regelung der Mikrofonlautstärke. 10. Kopfhöreranschluss: dieser ¼”-Anschluss auf der Frontplatte zum Anschließen Ihres Kopfhörers. PROMIX20M VELLEMAN...
  • Página 15: Technische Daten

    < 0.02% Stereotrennung > 45dB Signal/Rauschabstand 70dB PHONO 70dB LINE 80dB Tonregelung +12dB@100Hz, 10KHz Boost bei Mittenfrequenz Hi -26dB @ über 10KHz Low -26dB @ unter 100Hz Abmessungen 347 x 138 x 108mm Gewicht 2.7kg Alle Änderungen vorbehalten. PROMIX20M VELLEMAN...

Tabla de contenido