6.3 Selecting location
This illustration shows the importance of a proper location for the antenna
Note that criteria such as an unobstructed view to the satellite and a strong
mounting surface are met. Furthermore, no sources of interference, e.g. radar
equipment or other antennas, such as mobile communication antennas, should
be installed nearby the Marine TV antenna unit. A minimum distance of 8-12
ft. (2-3 meters) has to be observed in order not to affect the picture quality.
Although the radome is sealed, it is recommended to avoid direct waves and
bilge water!
The antenna unit has to be installed so that no superstructures will obstruct
the sight to the satellite! Please note, that the elevation angle depends on the
geographical location of the boat and on the selected satellite!
Equally important for a good installation are the conditions of the mounting
surface and the lengths of the different cables. See section 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6.
Simrad Marine TV