Sharp R-216 Manual De Instrucciones Y Recetario página 112

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  • MX

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  • MEXICANO, página 73
Afte r mo re tha n 1 5 minute s c o o king time fo o d
a c q uire s a b ro w nne ss, a ltho ug h this is no t
co mparable to the deep bro wnness and crispness
o btained thro ug h co nventio nal co o king . In o rder
to o btain an appetising bro wn co lo ur yo u can use
b ro w ning a g e nts.
simultaneo usly act as seaso ning ag ents.
Melted butter and dried paprika
Dried paprika
So ya sauce
Barbecue and W o rcestershire sauce, G ravy
Rendered do wn baco n fat o r dried o nio ns
Co co a, cho co late flakes, bro wn icing ,
ho ney and marmalade
● Ready-prepared meals in aluminium co ntainers
sho uld be remo ved fro m the aluminium co ntainer
and heated on a plate or in a dish.
● Remove the lids from firmly closed containers.
● Food should be covered with microwave foil, a plate
or cover (obtainable from stores), so that the surface
does not dry out. Drinks need not be covered.
● W hen boiling liquids such as water, coffee, tea or
milk, place a glass stirrer in the container.
● If possible, stir large quantities from time to time, to
ensure that the temperature is evenly distributed.
● The times are fo r fo o d at a ro o m temperature o f
2 0 ° C. The hea ting time fo r fo o d sto red in a
refrig erato r sho uld be increased slig htly.
● Afte r he a ting a llo w the fo o d to sta nd fo r 1 -2
minutes, so that the temperature inside the food can
be evenly distributed (standing time).
● The times g iven a re g uidelines, whic h c a n b e
varied according to the initial temperature, weight,
water co ntent, fat co ntent o r the result which yo u
wish to achieve.
Yo ur micro wave is ideal fo r thawing. Thawing times
are usually co nsiderably sho rter than in traditio nal
Fo r the mo st p a rt the y
O ven baked dishes " Cheese
toasties "
Meat and poultry
Roasts, Rissoles, Small roasted
O ven baked dishes, toasted
items, soups, stews
Cakes and desserts
In the fo llo w ing ta b le y o u w ill find so me
sug g e stio ns fo r sub sta nc e s yo u mig ht use fo r
bro wning and so me o f the uses to which yo u mig ht
put them.
methods of thawing.
Here are a few tips. T ake the fro zen item o ut o f its
packaging and place on a plate for thawing.
Bo xes and co ntainers suitable fo r micro waves are
particularly good for thawing and heating food, since
they can withstand temperatures in a deep freeze
(do wn to appro x. – 4 0 ° C) as well as being heat-
resistant (up to approx. 220 ° C). You can therefore
use the same container to thaw, heat and even cook
the food, without having to transfer it.
Co ver thin parts with small strips o f aluminium fo il
b e fo re tha w ing . Tha w e d o r w a rm p a rts sho uld
likewise b e c o vered with a luminium strips during
thawing. This sto ps the thin parts beco ming to o ho t
while thicker parts are still frozen.
It is better to choose a setting which is too low rather
than o ne which is to o hig h. By so do ing yo u will
ensure that the food thaws evenly.
If the microwave setting is too high, the surface of the
food will already have begun to cook while the inside
is still frozen.
1 1 1
Co at the po ultry with the
butter/ paprika mixture
Dust with paprika
Co at with the sauce
Co at with the sauce
Sprinkle pieces o f baco n o r
dried o nio ns o n to p
Sprinkle pieces on top of cakes
and desserts or use to glaze


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