2. Intended use/indications
2. 1 Intended purpose
The Symphony breast pump is a powered breast pump to be used by lactating women
to express and collect milk from their breasts.
2.2 Indications for use
The Symphony breast pump is indicated to express and collect milk from the breasts of
a lactating woman. It is also indicated to initiate, build and maintain a mother's milk supply
to support the provision of human milk for infants who are not able to directly or effectively
breastfeed (e.g. latch-on problems such as flat or inverted nipples, cleft palate and
prematurity). The breast pump removes milk from affected breast/s to alleviate the
symptoms of engorgement and milk stasis as well as support the healing process of sore
or cracked nipples and mastitis.
2.3 Contraindications
There are no known contraindications for the Symphony breast pump.
3. Product description
3. 1 Symphony hospital breast pump and accessories
Medela's Symphony hospital-grade breast pump is a multi-user breast pump with
research-based pumping programs which were developed specifically to support mothers
of preterm and term infants to initiate, build and maintain an adequate milk production.
For adequate initiation and building of milk supply, the breasts should be drained
• early: within 1-3 hours after birth
• frequently: every 2 -3 hours
• effectively: baby with a healthy sucking behaviour or double pumping.
It is recommended to record the date, time and volumes pumped.
The Symphony breast pump is provided with the Symphony PLUS program card,
which contains two pump suction pattern programs.