Art. 5514396
Do not cut or modify any wires: the
cable of the malossi engine control
unit needs to be compatible with
the original�
• The Malossi Digital Electronic
Coil is aesthetically very
similar to the original unit
facilitating installation�
• Remove the electronic coil
taking care to extract the original
connectors without damaging
them and thoroughly clean them�
• Assembly Malossi electronic
coil respecting the original
positionning and cables�
We hope you found the above
instructions sufficiently clear�
However, if any points are not
particularly clear, please contact
us completing the special form
inserted in the "contact" section on
our Internet site (�
We thank you in advance for any
comments and suggestions you may
wish to send us� So goodbye from
us all at Malossi, and please accept
our compliments� Have Fun� GOOD
LUCK and ... see you next time�
The descriptions in this publication
are not binding� Malossi reserves
the right to make modifications, if
it considers them necessary, and
does not accept any responsibility
for any typographic or printing
errors� This publication replaces all
previous publications referring to the
updating matters contained therein�
Look up warranty terms in our
These products are reserved solely
for races in locations reserved for
those purposes and in accordance
with the regulations issued by the
competent authorities for sports
events. We decline any and all
responsibility for improper use.