OBJ_DOKU-193013-005.fm Seite 42 Freitag, 12. Februar 2021 9:42 09
3. Thoroughly clean the surfaces with a soft brush/soft dispos-
able cloth.
4. Completely fill a disposable syringe with cleaning solution
and rinse the lumina (at least 5 times).
5. Rinse the surfaces with sterile, deionized water (at least
1 minute).
6. Completely fill a disposable syringe with sterile, deionized
water and rinse the lumina (at least 5 times).
7. Repeat the preceding cleaning steps if the product or used
rinse water still contains visible contamination.
8. Immerse the product completely in a disinfectant bath, en-
suring that the product does not come into contact with oth-
er components in the bath.
9. Completely fill a disposable syringe with disinfecting solution
and rinse the lumina (at least 5 times).
10. Rinse the surfaces with sterile, deionized water (at least
1 minute).
11. Completely fill a disposable syringe with sterile, deionized
water and rinse the lumina (at least 5 times).
12. Remove the irrigation adapter.
13. Dry the product, including the lumens, until there are no
more fluid residues visible (e.g. with filtered compressed air).
Cleaning and disinfection by machine
The washer/disinfector must have fundamentally certified ef-
fectiveness (e.g. CE marking according to DIN EN ISO 15883).
The detergent and disinfectant must be suitable for medical de-
vices made of plastic and metal and have a pH value between 5.5
and 12.3.
Observe the specifications from the manufacturer of the deter-
gent and disinfectant and in the chapter "Overview of validated