OBJ_DOKU-181800-011.fm Seite 19 Dienstag, 16. März 2021 8:28 08
Please read all information carefully.
These instructions for use do not replace the user manual of the
cryosurgical unit used! Read the user manual of the cryosurgical
unit and ask Erbe or your distributor in case of doubt!
Intended use
The flexible cryoprobe is intended for the devitalization of tissue
by freezing and for tissue biopsy, recanalization, and removal of
foreign bodies.
In pulmonology, the following is a known contraindication during
recanalization using devitalization of tissue:
• Life-threatening obstruction of the respiratory tract and im-
pending respiratory failure as a result of stenosis of the re-
spiratory tract
The contraindication is due to the fact that as a result of the de-
vitalization of tissue, immediate recanalization is not achieved.
Normal use
The flexible cryoprobe is connected to an Erbokryo CA or
Erbokryo AE via the connecting adapter (Art. No. 20416-034).