Mitsubishi FX0S Serie Manual Del Usuario
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Series Programmable Controllers
This manual contains text, diagrams and explanations which will guide the reader in the correct installation, safe use and
operation of the FX
If in doubt at any stage during the installation of the FX
qualified and trained to the local and national standards. If in doubt about the operation or use of the FX
consult the nearest Mitsubishi Electric distributor.
This manual is subject to change without notice.
Dieses Handbuch enth
speicherprogrammierbaren Steuerungen der FX
gelesen werden. Die Inhalte m
Wenn w hrend der Ger teinstallation etwas unklar ist, sollten Sie auf jeden Fall eine Elektrofachkraft zu Rate ziehen, die
f r die Anwendung der lokalen und nationalen elektrotechnischen Bestimmungen qualifiziert und ausgebildet ist. Setzen
Sie sich mit dem n chst erreichbaren MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC-
Verwendung der Ger
Dieses Handbuch wird vorbehaltlich etwaiger
vorgenommen werden.
Este manual contiene los textos, ilustraciones y aclaraciones para una instalaci
memoria programable de las series FX
unidad. Es imprescindible que se entienda su contenido.
En caso de que se presente alguna duda durante la instalaci
electricista capacitado, que disponga de la formaci
electrotcnicas locales y nacionales. P ngase en contacto con el concesionario m
ELECTRIC, cuando se presente alg
Nos reservamos el derecho de efectuar en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso modificaciones o cambios en este
PCs and should be read and understood before attempting to install or use the unit.
lt Texte, Abbildungen und Erl
ssen verstanden sein.
te etwas unklar sein sollte.
nderungen herausgegeben.
y deber ser ledo antes de que se proceda a una instalaci n o a un empleo de la
n problema durante el manejo o empleo de las unidades.
PCs always consult a professional electrical engineer who is
uterungen zur korrekten Installation und Bedienung der
- Serie und sollte vor einer Installation oder einem Einsatz des Ger
Hndler in Verbindung, wenn bei der Bedienung oder
nderungen k n nen ohne Hinweis
n y manejo correctos de las unidades de mando
n de la unidad, se deber consultar en todo caso a un
n correspondiente que le permita el empleo de las disposiciones
s pr ximo de la casa MITSUBISHI
PCs please


Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Mitsubishi FX0S Serie

  • Página 1 Wenn w hrend der Ger teinstallation etwas unklar ist, sollten Sie auf jeden Fall eine Elektrofachkraft zu Rate ziehen, die f r die Anwendung der lokalen und nationalen elektrotechnischen Bestimmungen qualifiziert und ausgebildet ist. Setzen Sie sich mit dem n chst erreichbaren MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC- Hndler in Verbindung, wenn bei der Bedienung oder Verwendung der Ger te etwas unklar sein sollte.
  • Página 2 Si, au cours de l i nstallation, des incertitudes devaient appara tre, veuillez consulter un sp c ialiste lectricien connaissant les normes lectrotechniques locales et nationales. Veuillez prendre contact avec le revendeur MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC le plus proche en cas de probl mes d utilisation des appareils.
  • Página 3 Series Programmable Controllers The following variations of the FX PLC conform to the Les types d A PI de la s rie FX suivants sont identified standards; conformes aux normes et crit res dhomologation mentionn s. Die folgenden Typen der FX - SPS stimmen mit den I seguenti tipi di PLC FX sono conformi alle normativee...
  • Página 4 Series Programmable Controllers Series Programmable Controllers Hardware Manual Manuel du mat riel Manual number: JY992D55301 Date: October 2000 Hardware- Handbuch Manual revision: Manuale hardware Manual de Hardware WWW.BSNEW.IR...
  • Página 5: Instrucciones De Seguridad Para El Usuario Y Medidas De Protección Para Las Unidades Fx

    Series Programmable Controllers Guidelines for the safety of the user and protection of the FX This manual has been written to be used by trained and competent personnel for the installation of FX products. This is defined by the European directives for machinery, low voltage and EMC. Throughout this manual, symbols are used to highlight information relating to the user s personal safety and protection of the equipment s integrity.
  • Página 6 Series Programmable Controllers Directives de sécurité pour l’utilisateur et mesures de protection pour le FX - API Ce manuel a t conu pour un personnel form et qualifi . La qualification est dfinie par les directives europ e nnes pour machines, basses tensions et EMV.
  • Página 7 Series Programmable Controllers Introduction Introduction Einleitung Introduzione Introducción Terminal Occupation Klemmen- Assegnazione Ocupación de layouts des bornes belegungen morsetti bornas Installation Remarques Installations- Avvisi per Instrucciones notes concernant hinweise l’installazione de instalación l’installation Alimentation Spannungs- Tensione di Alimentación Power supply en courant versorgung alimentazione...
  • Página 8: Introducción

    Series Programmable Controllers Introduction Introduction This manual gives hardware installation instructions for these programmable controller (PLC) product ranges: • Main Processing Units - MPU s (base units) For all programming information, please see the FX Programming Manual. The FX family of programmable controllers (PLCs) consists of the following items: Introduction Ce manuel contient la description de l...
  • Página 9 Series Programmable Controllers Introduction AC base Appareils de Apparecchi Unidades Table: 1.1 AC- Grundgeräte units base en CA base AC base CA OUTPUT TYPE INPUT TYPE DIMENSIONS WEIGHT MODEL POWER SUPPLY RELAY TYPE mm(inch) see Figure 1.1 kg (lbs) - 10 60 (2.36) 0.3 (0.66) SINK...
  • Página 10 Series Programmable Controllers Introduction Figure: 1.1 Dimensioned unit FX -**MR-ES/UL Dimensions FX -20M*-** FX -**MR-UA1/UL Abmessungen (2.95) (3.0) FX -10M*-** FX -**MR-DS Dimensioni FX -14M*-** FX -**MT-DSS Dimensiones (2.36) (1.85) - **MR- D 12S - **MT- D 12SS (4.13) (3.5) mm (inch) FX -30M*-** (4.13)
  • Página 11 Series Programmable Controllers Introduction Model name Désignation des types d’appareils Gerätetypenbezeichnung Designazione dei modelli Designación del tipo de unidad Figure: 1.2 Model name / UL FX0S - 14 M R D signation des types Typenbezeichnung Designazione dei modelli Designaci n del tipo Modelo Weltweite/ Versione...
  • Página 12 Series Programmable Controllers Introduction Model Description Descrizione Descripción Table: 1.4 Typenbeschreibung table des types dei modelli del tipo PLC type: FX Serie API: FX SPS- Serie: FX Serie di PLC: FX Serie PLC: FX Gesamtanzahl der E- /A - N mero total de los canales Total number of I/O channelsNombre total des canaux E/S Numero totale dei canali I/O Kan le...
  • Página 13 Series Programmable Controllers Introduction Serial numbers Numéros de série Seriennummern Numeri di serie Números de serie Figure: 1.4 Serial number SERIAL NO.: 2 X 3267 Numros de s rie Seriennummer e.g. Numero di serie 2 = 1992 N mero de serie 1 - 9 = Jan - Sept = Oct = Nov...
  • Página 14: Rules For Expansion

    Series Programmable Controllers Introduction Règles de configuration Rules for expansion Le FX ne peut pas faire l o bjet d extensions. The FX cannot be expanded. Konfigurationsregeln Regole di configurazione Die FX kann nicht erweitert werden. non pu essere ampliato. Reglas de configuración La unidad FX no puede ser ampliada.
  • Página 15: Schematischer Systemaufbau Struttura Schematica Del Sistema

    Series Programmable Controllers Introduction Configuration Configuration Konfiguration Configurazione Configuración Figure: 1.5 Schematic system Reprsentation sch matique de la structure du syst me Schematischer Systemaufbau Struttura schematica del sistema Configuraci n esquem tica del sistema FX-10DU-E FX-40DU-TK-ES FX-20DU-E FX-50DU-TKS FX-25DU-E -**MR-ES/UL FX-30DU-E -**MR-UA1/UL FX-40DU-ES...
  • Página 16: Description De La Configuration

    Series Programmable Controllers Introduction Table: 1.6 Configuration Description de la Konfigurations- Descrizione della Descripción de la notes configuration beschreibung configurazione configuración MPU - M ain Processing Unit Appareils de base Grundger te Apparecchi base Unidades base (base unit) Two port interface Adaptateur Multi- port Multi-Port-Adapter Adattatore Multiport...
  • Página 17 Series Programmable Controllers Introduction MEMO 1- 10 WWW.BSNEW.IR...
  • Página 18 Series Programmable Controllers Terminal layouts Terminal layouts Occupation des bornes The following selection of terminal layouts are taken Les occupations de bornes repr sentes ici montrent from the FX product range. une slection de la palette de produit de la s rie FX Note: All layouts are diagrammatic only and are only Remarque: Les occupations de bornes ne sont intended to aid the creation of wiring diagrams.
  • Página 19: Fx 0S Mpu Units

    Series Programmable Controllers Terminal layouts Appareils de base de la série FX MPU units Remarque: Note: • MT- DSS: • MT- DSS: Sortie de transistor (Source), tension CC. Les Transistor source output, DC power. Terminal variantes de bornes pour ce produit sont plac variations for these products are shown in square entre parenth ses [ ].
  • Página 20 Series Programmable Controllers Terminal layouts 2.1.1 MR- ES/UL Figure:2.1 10MR- ES/UL Figure:2.2 14MR- ES/UL 100-240V AC 100-240V AC FX -10MR-ES/UL FX -14MR-ES/UL Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 1 Y 2 COM1 COM2 COM3 COM0 COM0 COM1 COM2 Figure:2.3 20MR- ES/UL Figure: 2.4 - 30MR- ES/UL...
  • Página 21 Series Programmable Controllers Terminal layouts 2.1.2 MR- DS - [FX MT- DSS] Figure:2.5 10MR- DS, [FX 10MT- DSS] Figure:2.6 14MR- DS, [FX 14MT- DSS] 24V DC 24V DC FX -14MR-DS FX -10MR-DS (12V DC) FX -14MT-DSS] FX -10MT-DSS] Y 0 Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 1 Y 2 COM1 COM2COM3...
  • Página 22 Series Programmable Controllers Terminal layouts 2.1.3 MR- UA1/UL Figure:2.9 16MR- UA1/UL COM COM 100-240V AC 110V AC INPUT FX -16MR-UA1/UL COM0 COM1 Figure: 2.10 FX - 24MR- UA1/UL 100-240V AC 110V AC INPUT FX -24MR-UA1/UL COM0 COM1 COM2 2- 5 WWW.BSNEW.IR...
  • Página 23 Series Programmable Controllers Terminal layouts MEMO 2- 6 WWW.BSNEW.IR...
  • Página 24: Instalación

    Series Programmable Controllers Installation notes Installation Installation The installation of the FX products has been designed Les appareils FX ont t conus de mani re à per - to be safe and easy. Whether the products associated mettre une installation facile et s r e. Les appareils with this manual are used as a system or individually, doivent tre install s dans un boitier appropri (par they must be installed in a suitable enclosure.
  • Página 25: Installation Notes

    Series Programmable Controllers Installation notes Product outline Description des appareils Gerätebeschreibung Descrizione degli apparecchi Condiciones ambientales Figure: 3.1 Features of the FX Caract r istiques des appareils FX - API Merkmale der FX - SPS Caratteristiche dei PC FX 15 14 13 Caracter sticas de la unidad FX 3- 2 WWW.BSNEW.IR...
  • Página 26 Series Programmable Controllers Installation notes Table: 3.1 Tableau des Tabelle der Tabella delle Tabla de las Feature table; caractéristiques; Merkmale; caratteristiche; características; ³ Trous de per age pour Direct mounting holes Bohrlcher f r Direktmontage Fori per montaggio diretto Taladros para montaje directo montage direct ·...
  • Página 27: Environmental Specifications

    Series Programmable Controllers Installation notes Environmental specifications Conditions d’environnement Umgebungsbedingungen Condizioni ambientali Descripción de la unidad Environmental Conditions Umgebungs- Condizioni Descripción de Table: 3.2 specifications d’environnement bedingungen ambientali la unidad SPEC. 0- 55 °C Temp rature de Operating temperature Betriebstemperatur Temperatura di esercizio Temperatura de servicio 32- 131 °F...
  • Página 28 Series Programmable Controllers Installation notes Environmental Conditions Umgebungs- Condizioni Descripción de specifications d’environnement bedingungen ambientali la unidad SPEC. For use up to an Utilisable jusqu à une Einsatzbereich bis zu einer Utilizzabile fino a Para un uso hasta una <2000m altitude of...
  • Página 29: Pc Mounting Arrangements

    Series Programmable Controllers Installation notes PC mounting arrangements To prevent a rise in temperature, mount the units to walls. Never mount them to the floor or ceiling of an enclosure. Units should always be mounted horizontally. Caution • Do not install units in areas with: excessive or conductive dust, corrosive or flammable gas, moisture or rain, excessive heat, regular impact shocks or excessive vibration.
  • Página 30: Dispositions De Montage De L'APi

    Series Programmable Controllers Installation notes Dispositions de montage de l’API Pour viter les hausses de temp r atures, les appareils doivent tre monts sur le fond des armoires lectriques. Ils ne doivent en aucun cas tre monts sur les parois du haut ou du bas des armoires lectriques. Les modules doivent toujours tre monts horizontalement.
  • Página 31: Din Rail Mounting

    Series Programmable Controllers Installation notes Rails de montage DIN DIN rail mounting Les appareils peuvent tre monts sur le rail DIN (35 mm) par encochage. Pour le d montage de l appareil, Units can be snapmounted on to 35mm (1.4 inch) DIN retirez le dispositif de montage rapide à...
  • Página 32 Series Programmable Controllers Installation notes Direct mounting Montage direct Direkte Montage Montaggio diretto Montaje directo Figure: 3.3 (3.86) M4.0 (0.157) 52(2.05) FX -10M*-**/** FX -14M*-**/** mm (inch) 67(2.64) FX -20M*-**/** 97(3.82) FX -30M*-**/** FX -**MR-UA1/UL 3- 9 WWW.BSNEW.IR...
  • Página 33 Series Programmable Controllers Installation notes MEMO 3- 10 WWW.BSNEW.IR...
  • Página 34: Wiring Techniques

    Series Programmable Controllers Power supply Wiring techniques The wiring of FX products has been designed to be safe and easy. If during the installation of this product or associated products concern is felt, please contact a professional electrician who is trained to the local and national standards applicable to the installation site.
  • Página 35: Allacciamento Elettrico

    Series Programmable Controllers Power supply Câblage Les appareils FX ont t conus de mani re à permettre un c blage facile et sr. Si, au cours de l i nstallation, des doutes devaient appara tre, veuillez consulter un sp c ialiste lectricien connaissant les normes lectrotechniques locales et nation- ales.
  • Página 36: Alimentación De Tensión

    Series Programmable Controllers Power supply Power supply When wiring AC supplies the Live cable should be connected to the L terminal and the Neutralcable should be connected to the N terminal. When wiring DC supplies the positivecable should be connected to the + terminal and the negative cabl should be connected to the - terminal.
  • Página 37: Alimentazione Della Tensione

    Series Programmable Controllers Power supply Alimentation Lors du branchement à une alimentation à courant alternatif (CA), le c ble L doit tre branch sur la borne L et le c ble N sur la borne N. Lors du branchement à une alimentation à courant continu (CC), le c ble positif doit tre branch sur la borne (+) et le c ble n gatif sur la borne (-).
  • Página 38 Series Programmable Controllers Power supply Données techniques Dati tecnici della Datos técnicos de la Power Technische Daten der Table: 4.1 de l’alimentation en tensione di unidad de alimentación requirements Spannungsversorgung courant alimentazione de tensión Power supply MR- E S/UL 100- 240V AC +10% - 15%, 50/60Hz. MR- U A1/UL Alimentation en courant, tout types d’appareils Spannungsversorgung, alle...
  • Página 39 Series Programmable Controllers Power supply In- rush current MR- E S/UL Max 15A 2ms/100V AC 25A 2ms/200V AC MR- U A1/UL Valeurs de pointe de l’intensité Stromspitzenwerte MR- D S Max 60A 1.5ms 24V DC MT- DSS Valori di picco della corrente Valores punta de corriente MR- D 12S Max 40A 1.5ms 12V DC...
  • Página 40 Series Programmable Controllers Power supply Figure: 4.1 Power connection diagram. Plan des bornes pour tension. Anschlu plan f r Spannung. Esquema de conexiones para tensi Schema di cablaggio per la tensione. FX MPU FX MPU DC (CC) AC (CA) 4- 7 WWW.BSNEW.IR...
  • Página 41 Series Programmable Controllers Power supply Table: 4.2 Wiring Positions de Verdrahtungs Posizioni di Posiciones de points câblage - positionen cablaggio cableado REF. ³ Class 3 ground Catgorie de prise de terre 3 Erdungsklasse 3 Classe di messa a terra 3 Clase de puesta a tierra 3 Power supply: Alimentation:...
  • Página 42 Series Programmable Controllers Power supply Service power supply If the system being installed uses the service supply from both the PC and a powered extension block, then both these units should have their 0V terminals linked. DO NOT however, link the 24V terminals. NEVER connect an external power supply to the 24V terminals.
  • Página 43: Prise De Terre

    Series Programmable Controllers Power supply Earthing/Grounding (AWG14) cable. Ground resistance must be less than 100 Ω (Class 3). The PC s ground For grounding, use at least 2mm must not be shared with that of the power circuits. While grounding is recommended, if it is not possible, the PC will still operate correctly without it.
  • Página 44: Termination At Screw Terminals

    Series Programmable Controllers Power supply Raccords de bornes à vis Termination at screw terminals Des bornes à vis sont pr vues pour le raccord des Cables terminating at a screw terminal of an FX prod- cbles aux appareils FX .Utilisez des pinces Crimp uct should be fitted with insulated crimp terminals, see isol es pour le raccordement des c bles.
  • Página 45 Series Programmable Controllers Inputs DC input specifications Données techniques des entrées CC Technische Daten der DC- Eingänge Dati tecnici degli ingressi DC Datos técnicos de las entradas para CC Table: 5.1 MR- ES/UL, FX MR- DS, FX MT- DS, FX MR- D12S, FX MT- D12SS ∞...
  • Página 46: Typical Wiring

    Series Programmable Controllers Inputs Exemples de câblage Typical wiring Figure 5.1 Entr e Source (- v e S/S) pour FX Figure 5.1 Source inputs (- ve S/S) for FX Figure 5.2 Entr e Sink (+ve S/S) pour FX Figure 5.2 Sink inputs (+ve S/S) for FX Figure 5.3 Montre la mise en oeuvre d une Figure 5.3 Shows how to use an external 24V DC supply.
  • Página 47 Series Programmable Controllers Inputs Table: 5.2 Description de Positions- Descrizione delle Descripción de Item check positions beschreibung posizioni posición REF. ³ Tension de service avec Tensione di servizio con Tensi n de servicio con 24V DC service supply Servicespannung mit DC 24 V 24 V CC 24 V DC 24V CC...
  • Página 48: Diodes And Inputs Connected In Series

    Series Programmable Controllers Inputs Diodes et entrées branchées Diodes and inputs connected en série in series Perte de tension au niveau de la diode < 4V (- D12SS: < 3V). Voltage drop accross the diode < 4V (- D12SS: < 3V). Ne pas brancher plus de 2 diodes en s rie.
  • Página 49: Resistors And Inputs Connected In Parallel

    Series Programmable Controllers Inputs Résistances et entrées branchées en Resistors and inputs connected in parallèle parallel ≥ 18 kΩ, X4 et plus: ≥ 15 Rsistance parall le:- X0- X3: ≥ 18kΩ, X4 onwards: ≥15kΩ. Parallel resistance:- X0- kΩ. Une r sistance Rb compl mentaire doit tre mise en If Rp is less than stated value then add Rb.
  • Página 50 Series Programmable Controllers Inputs 110V AC input specification Caractéristiques des entrées pour 110V CA Technische Daten der Eingänge Dati tecnici degli ingressi per 110V AC für AC 110V Datos técnicos de las entradas para 110V CA Table: 5.6 (a) MR- UA1/UL ONLY) Input voltage Input current Tension d e ntre...
  • Página 51 Series Programmable Controllers Inputs Table: 5.6 (b) MR- UA1/UL ONLY) Response time Circuit isolation by photocoupler Temps de rponse Isolement du circuit Par optocoupleur 25 msec Ansprechzeit Schaltkreisisolation über Optokoppler Tempo di reazione Isolamento dei circuiti tramite optoaccoppiatori Tiempo de reacci n Aislamiento de circuito de conmutaci a través de optoacoplador Operation indication...
  • Página 52 Series Programmable Controllers Inputs Typical wiring Exemples de câblage Verdrahtungsbeispiele Esempi di cablaggio Ejemplos de cableado Table: Description de Positions- Descrizione delle Descripción de Item check positions beschreibung posizioni posición REF. ³ AC service supply Tension de service CA AC Servicespannung Tensione di servizio AC Tensi n de servicio CA ·...
  • Página 53 Series Programmable Controllers Inputs Programming Caution When using 110V AC units, high speed counter and interrupt routines are not suitable for use due to the long ON/OFF t imes. Instructions relatives à la programmation Lorsque vous utilisez un appareil pour 110 V CA, n utilisez ni le High- S peed- Counter (compteur grande vitesse) ni les routines dinterruption pendant les p riodes de MARCHE- ARRET prolong es pendant le service.
  • Página 54 Series Programmable Controllers Inputs Temperature Caution When operating AC input units, care must be taken to ensure that only half of the input devices are ever active simultaneously. Failure to ensure this, and failure to install the unit correctly will result in excessive temperature rises. Augmentation de la température Veillez à...
  • Página 55 Series Programmable Controllers Outputs Relay output specification Données techniques des sorties- relais Technische Daten der Relais- Ausgänge Dati tecnici delle uscite a relè Datos técnicos de las salidas de relé Données Relay Relais- Parametri Características de Table: 6.1 caractéristiques des specification Kenndaten dei relè...
  • Página 56: Relay Output Example

    Outputs Series Programmable Controllers Relay output example Exemple d’un branchement de sorties de relais Beispiel einer Relais- Esempio di un cablaggio di uscita a relè Ausgangsbeschaltung Ejemplo de una conexión de salida de relé Figure 6.1 - 14MR- ES/UL example output wiring Exemple d u n circuit de sortie pour FX - 14MR- ES/UL Beispiel einer Ausgangsbeschaltung f...
  • Página 57 Series Programmable Controllers Outputs Table: 6.2 Description de Beschreibung der Descrizione del Descripción de la Item check l’occupation Belegung cablaggio ocupación ³ Unused terminal: Bornes inoccup es: unbenutzte Klemmen: nicht Morsetti non usati: non Bornas no usadas: no do not connect. ne pas brancher anschlie e n collegare.
  • Página 58 3,000,000 1,000,000 200,000 Durata dei contatti (cicli di commutazione) Vida til de los contactos (ciclos de conmutaci n) Example load (Mitsubishi contactor) Exemple de charge (contacteur Mitsubishi) Beispiellast (MITSUBISHI- Schtze) S-K10 -S-K95 S- K100 - S- K150 S-K180 -S-K400 Esempio di carico (contattori MITSUBISHI)
  • Página 59: Reliability Tests

    Series Programmable Controllers Outputs Contrôles de fiabilité Reliability tests Les r sultats des contrôles se rapportent à un cycle The previous test results used a 1 sec ON/OFF cycle. Marche- Arrt de 1 s. Remarque: Les courants de sur - Note: In-rush currents greatly reduce relay contacts charge rduisent fortement la dur e de vie des contacts service life.
  • Página 60 Series Programmable Controllers Outputs Transistor output specification Données techniques des sorties de transistor Technische Daten der Transistor- Ausänge Dati tecnici delle uscite a transistor Datos técnicos de las salidas transistorizadas Données Transistor Transistor- Parametri Características de Table: 6.4 caractéristiques des specification Kenndaten dei transistor...
  • Página 61: Transistor Output Example

    Series Programmable Controllers Outputs Transistor output example Exemple d’un branchement de sorties de transistors Beispiel einer Transistor- Esempio di un cablaggio di uscita Ausgangsbeschaltung a transistor Ejemplo de una conexión de salida transistorizada Figure 6.2 - 14MT- DSS example source output wiring Exemple d u n branchement de sortie Source pour FX - 14MT- DSS Beispiel einer Source- Ausgangsbeschaltung f...
  • Página 62 Outputs Series Programmable Controllers Figure 6.3 - 14MT example sink output wiring (Japanese spec.) Exemple d un branchement de sortie Sink pour FX - 14MT (mod le japonais) Beispiel einer Sink- Ausgangsbeschaltung f r FX - 14MT (japanische Ausf hrung) Esempio di cabblaggio di uscita sink per FX - 14MT (versione giapponese) Ejemplo de una conexi n de salida Sink para FX...
  • Página 63 Series Programmable Controllers Outputs Table: 6.5 Description de Beschreibung der Descrizione del Descripción de la Item check l’occupation Belegung cablaggio ocupación ³ Unused terminal: Bornes inoccup es: unbenutzte Klemmen: nicht Morsetti non usati: non Bornas no usadas: no do not connect. ne pas brancher anschlie e n collegare.
  • Página 64: Response Times

    Outputs Series Programmable Controllers Temps de réaction Response times Le temps de raction peut tre r duit au moyen d u ne For optimum response times, use a pull up resistor, see r sistance (voir figure 6.4). La valeur de la r sistance Figure 6.4.
  • Página 65: Applying Safe Loads

    Series Programmable Controllers Outputs Remarques concernant Applying safe loads la sécurité dans les cas de branche- ments de charges Ensure all loads are applied to the same side of each PC output, see Figures 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3. Loads which Assurez- vous du fait que toutes les charges d une ap - should NEVER simultaneously operate (e.g.
  • Página 66 Series Programmable Controllers Outputs MEMO 6- 12 WWW.BSNEW.IR...
  • Página 67 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Diagnostics: Diagnostic d’erreurs: preliminary checks V rifications prliminaires Fehlerdiagnose: Diagnostica: Vorberprfungen controlli preliminari Diagnóstico de fallos y errores: Verificaciones preliminares Vista de conjunto Vue d’ensemble des Preliminary Übersicht der Elenco dei controlli de las pruebas de Table: 7.1 vérifications check list...
  • Página 68: Basic Diagnostics

    Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Diagnostic général d’erreurs Basic diagnostics Le diagnostic d erreurs suivant permet de rechercher et The following diagnostic tables will help identify and de remdier à des perturbations. correct common faults. Diagnostica generale Allgemeine Fehlerdiagnose Die nachfolgende Fehlerdiagnose bietet Ihnen Le seguenti informazioni aiutano nella ricerca eine Hilfe zum Suchen und Beheben von St rungen.
  • Página 69 Power ON, POWER Turn power off. Disconnect 24V DC No: Possible blown PC fuse. Contact a LED OFF service supply terminal. Turn on power. Mitsubishi representative for servicing. Perturbation Remède Résultats DEL de marche Oui: La charge au niveau de la tension de...
  • Página 70 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Table 7.4 CPU- E LED ON La DEL CPU- E est allume CPU- E LED EIN II LED CPU- E acceso LED CPU- E ENCENDIDO Fault Remedy No. Yes: FX memory cassette inserted while PC is ON. CPU E LED goes OFF? CPU- E Put PC into STOP.
  • Página 71 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Oui: La cassette d enregistrement FX a t mise en Perturbation Rem de n place pendant le mode MARCHE de l API. La DEL CPU- E s teint? Placer l API en mode STOP. Couper Non: Essayer le remède n°2. La DEL CPU - lalimentation et la rebrancher.
  • Página 72: Mantenimiento

    Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Maintenance Check interior temperature of the panel, panel air filters if fitted, and loosening of terminals or mounting facilities (due to vibration). Common errors • • Corroded contact points at some point in an I/O line. An I/O device has been used outside its specified operating range.
  • Página 73 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Entretien V rifications: Temp r ature à l int rieur de l a rmoire lectrique, filtre à air de l armoire lectrique (si existant) et bornes raccords ou fixations de montage (en raison des vibrations). Autres sources d erreurs •...
  • Página 74 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Operation and error flags Indicateurs spéciaux des états de marche et d’erreurs - ON when condition exists MARCHE, lorsque la condition est disponible. Sondermerker für Betriebszustände Merker speciali per condizioni di und Fehler esercizio ed errori - EIN, wenn Bedingung vorhanden.
  • Página 75 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Table 7.6 M8061- M8068 Marcadores de Error flags Indicateurs d’erreurs Fehlermerker Merker di errore fallos/errores PC hardware error Erreur de mat r iel API SPS- Hardware- Fehler Errore hardware PC Error de Hardware del PC M8061 ref D8061 pour D8061 f r D8061...
  • Página 76 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Error registers Registre d’erreurs Fehlerregister Registri di errore Registros de fallos/errores Table 7.7 D8000- D8069 Error registers Registre d’erreurs Fehlerregister Registri di errore Registros de fallos Valeur pour le Wert fr Watch- D og- T imer Valore per watch dog timer Valor para timer de vigilancia D8000...
  • Página 77 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Error codes Codes d’erreurs Fehlercodes Codici di errore Códigos de fallo/error Table 7.8 D8061, D8063 Códigos Error codes Codes d’erreurs Fehlercodes Codici di errore de fallo/error Signification des codes de Bedeutung der Codes von Significato dei codici di Significado del código de D8061: Meaning of code in D8061:...
  • Página 78: Instruction List

    Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Instruction list Vue d’ensemble des directives d’exécution Übersicht der Applikationsanweisungen Elenco delle istruzioni applicative Vista de conjunto de las instrucciones de aplicación Table: 7.9 Numerically sorted Classification num rique Numerisch sortiert In ordine numerico Clasificaci n numrica 0 PROGRAM FLOW IRET FEND...
  • Página 79 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics Table 7.10 Alphabetically sorted Classification alphab tique Alphabetisch sortiert In ordine alfabetico Clasificacin alfabtica Symbol FNC No. Symbol FNC No. Symbol FNC No. Symbol FNC No. Symbol FNC No. DECO HSCR NEXT HSCS PLSY WAND IRET RAMP ENCO WXOR...
  • Página 80 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics CPU Specification X000 800 steps - EEPROM Y010 T020 K010 X17 (FX - 30M , (16 pnts)) Y15 (FX - 30M , (14pnts)) M511 (512 pnts) M496 M511 (11 pnts) M8000 M8255 (56 pnts) S63 (64 pnts) S9 (10 pnts) CALL P63 (64 pnts)
  • Página 81 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics CPU Specification C235 C238 ( 4 pnts) Max 4 pnts (4ƒ), 1ƒ max.= 7kHz … 4ƒ 14kHz C241, C242, C244 (3 pnts) … (1ƒ+1ƒ+1ƒ+1ƒ 14kHz) + … 14kHz C246, C247, C249 (3 pnts) 1ƒ x 4 Max 1pnt (1ƒ), 1ƒ...
  • Página 82 Series Programmable Controllers Diagnostics MEMO 7- 16 WWW.BSNEW.IR...

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