Reset all MIN/MAX records
MIN/- key
Display MIN indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity records with time of recording
Activate/deactivate the time alarm
Decrease the alarm time (hour and minutes)
Decrease all values in manual setting modes
Activate/deactivate the weather alarm
Decrease the weather alarm values
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light on
Reset all MIN/MAX records
Enter the alarm time setting mode
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light on
ALM Data key
Enter the weather alarm time setting mode
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Set next weather alarm in weather alarm setting mode
Back-light on
Read out alarm data info on text display after weather alarm occurred
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light on
Disable the weather alarm sound