During nighttime, the atmospheric disturbances are usually less severe and reception is
possible in most cases. A single daily reception is adequate to keep the accuracy
deviation below 1 second.
Weather Station:
The Weather Station has 6 easy to use function keys on the sides and 1 key on the top
SET key
Press and hold the key to enter manual setting modes: LCD contrast, 12/24 hour time
display, time zone, manual time setting, calendar, DCF ON/OFF, ºC/ºF temperature unit,
pressure unit, relative pressure setting and language display
Alarm time set inside alarm time setting mode
Confirm key inside weather alarm setting mode
Reset individual MIN/MAX temperature/humidity record
Combine with the CH key to re-detect a new transmitter in displayed channel
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light ON
CH key (Channel key)
Select channel 1, 2, or 3 (if more than 1 transmitter is used)
Exit setting mode
Re-detect new transmitters signal for all channels
Combined with the set key to re-detect a new transmitter in displayed channel
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light on
MAX/+ key
Display MAX indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity records with time of recording
Activate/deactivate the time alarm
Increase the alarm time (hour and minutes)
Increase all values in manual setting modes
Activate/deactivate the weather alarm
Increase the weather alarm values
Stop the alarm during the time alarm or weather alarm ringing
Back-light on
DATA key
SET key
CH key
MAX/+ key
MIN/- key