8. LCD Display and Settings
After initialization, the LCD will show current UPS status diagrams. The system shows different screens, depending on the status of
the UPS. There are six statuses located in the LCD's Main Screen (shown below). For a basic description of the UPS system's path of
electrical power in its various operating modes, refer to 5. Operation Modes.
The six UPS statuses of the UPS shown in the LCD display are:
The UPS is in Standby Mode. No power is supplied.
The bypass is supplying power to the attached load.
The UPS is in Bypass Mode. The main AC source and the batteries are off. If the
bypass AC source fails, the critical loads will not be protected.
The UPS is in Normal (Online) Mode.
The UPS is in Battery Mode.
The UPS is in Manual Bypass Mode. Before maintenance, do not forget to
switch the UPS into Manual Bypass Mode and cut off the main AC source and
batteries. During this mode, if the bypass AC source fails, the critical loads will
not be protected.