Ladder Logic Programming
In the example below, when I05 is enabled, 5 pulses will be generated in the Q01 output
in a frequency of 500 Hz
Even if P01 keeps enabled, only 5 pulses will be generated. For a new sequence of output
pulses, it is necessary that the function be disabled and enabled again.
7.4.8 DATALINK Function
The DATALINK function is available only for models 20VR-D and 20VT-D. This function
allows data exchange between CLIC-02 PLCs through an RS-485 network. Functions L will
be used for data change control, and sending and receiving information in the network. Up
to 8 functions L- L01 –L08 are allowed. The configurations of the port RS-485 are adjusted
through CLIC-02 programming tool in Operation>>System Configuration menu. For further
information, see Chapter 7 – Port RS-485 Communication Functions.
Data Link
Up to 8 CLIC-02 units can be configured as independent nodes in the network, each one
executing its own program and containing its own I/O expansions. The CLIC-02 Master
address must be configured to 0, the slave nodes must start with address 01, distributing
addresses according to the provision of equipments in the network, though without leaving
any intermediate address without use. For example, having addresses 01, 02, 04 and 05 in
the network, the master will understand that the network ends in slave 02, not recognizing
the remaining addresses, because address 03 will not be responding.
Each CLIC-02 can command 8 data bits, called 'W', which can be read by the other slaves.
Any CLIC-02 in the network can read the W variables of another CLIC-02. Functions
Datalink L will transfer the internal variables (digital inputs, digital markers, outputs, etc) of
the CLIC-02 to its respective network W variables. The network W variables controlled by
a CLIC-02 will be defined and numbered according to the address of this CLIC-02 in the
network; the table below shows the provision of these variables:
102 | CLIC-02
1 ms
1 ms
2 ms
2 ms
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