7.4.6 PWM Output Function
The output function PWM is available only in models with transistor output. Outputs Q01
and Q02 are fast outputs that can execute PWM modulation (Pulse Width Modulation).
Function PWM P01 is associated to the physical output Q01 and PWM output P02 is
associated to physical output Q02. Function PWM has 8 programmed wave forms that
allow the adjustment of the total wave period and output ON time. The output wave form
is selected through a binary combination of selection inputs.
On the CLIC-02 display or in the programming tool, the PWM block will be displayed this
⑧ ②③
⑦ ⑥
- English -
Ladder Logic Programming
Function number: P01 ~ P02
PWM Mode: 1
Selection of waves to be
Wave form period selected in
Time of turned on output of the wave
form selected in
Selection input 1 (most significant)
Selection input 2
Selection input 3 (less significant)
CLIC-02 | 99