1) Setup: Configure settings and manage data according to the test environment.
01. Date/Date Format/Time/Units/Password/Volume/Country/Language
: Change or modify the InBody's basic settings.
02. Self Mode/Professional Mode
Self Mode: The examinee takes the InBody Test by entering only his/her height.
Throughout the test, instructions and the InBody Information will be shown on screen.
Professional Mode: An examiner is present and guiding the examinee through the InBody Test.
03. N/A
04. Cloud Service
: If you enable the 'Cloud Service', members will have the option to check their InBody results from
the registered mobile device.
05. Bypass Age/Gender
: The examinees can bypass inputting their age or gender if the test environment is designed for testing
only adults or a specific gender.
06. View/Print/Delete Data
: The administrator can manage test results using ID.
07. Export Data as Excel
: You can export test results as an excel file on a USB Thumb Drive. Exported test results can be viewed
as an excel file on a computer.
08. Data Backup/Restoration/Combine
: Back up InBody Test results to a USB Thumb Drive, or restore test results using a backup file on a
USB Thumb Drive, or add test results using a backup file on a USB Thumb Drive to the InBody.
09. Printer Setup
: Connect the printer to the InBody. A connected printer will allow for printing results sheets after testing.
10. Results Sheet Types
: Select which results sheets to print among the results sheets provided by the InBody570
(InBody Results Sheet and InBody Results Sheet for Children).
11. Automatic Printing Options
: Print applicable results sheets automatically after each completed test. The InBody can print up to
2 copies after every test.
12. Paper Types
: Select the paper type for printed results sheets. Options include blank A4 paper or pre-printed InBody
Results Sheets provided by InBody.
13. Outputs/Interpretations for Results Sheet
: Select outputs or interpretations that will appear on the right side of the InBody Results Sheet and
InBody Results Sheet for Children.