Air Purification Process
This product will work more effectively in a room with all the doors and windows closed.
Dust and Particulate Setting: The [AUTO] setting will help remove airborne particulates
Pre-filter: Removes relatively large household dust particles, hair, and pet hair.
All-in-One Care filter:
– Removal of hazardous gases: Removes substances that cause everyday odors and haze,
– Removal of fine particles: Removes not only coarse particles that cause allergies from
All-in-One Care filter
1. This product consists of 2 filters that provide the All-in-One air care solution.
2. Using the air cleaner without the filters has no air cleansing effect.
3. When first purchased, new filters may smell. The smell will disappear naturally if used for
more than a day, so use it with confidence.
4. If the air cleaner is used in a foul-smelling environment, the life of the All-in-One Care filter
will be shortened rapidly. In severe cases, odors may seep into the All-in-One Care filter.
If excessive odor occurs, ventilate the area to remove severe odors. It is recommended to
use the product to remove the remaining odor after ventilation.
The Pre-filter can be attached using Velcro. When washing the Pre-filter with water,
remove it from the circular All-in-One Care filter before cleaning it. After washing it, dry it
completely and reattach it using Velcro.
When washing with water, the Pre-filter may become wrinkled, but this will not adversely
affect the performance of the filter.
from the air for general cleaning and odor reduction.
such as cigarettes, food, and animal odors, as well as
hazardous gases and VOCs that cause sick house syndrome.
the air, but also fine PM 2.5 particles and yellow dust.
Filter handle