Pain Control Screen
The ID Heading is at the top of the Pain Control Screen.
The "Turn OFF All Stimulation" button is just below the ID
Two tabs are below the "Turn OFF All Stimulation" button:
the "Pain Control" tab and the "My Info" (Information) tab.
See the "Adjusting Your Stimulator Settings" section in this
User Manual for more detail.
The "Exit" button at the bottom right side of the screen
returns you to the Main Menu.
ID Heading
Located at the top of the screen, the ID Heading displays the following information:
• ID: Displays your identification number (ID).
• Stimulator Serial Number: Displays your Stimulator's serial number.
Select Group
The "Group" button is in the center of the Pain Control
screen. Press "Group" to display a drop down menu. The
drop down menu has up to four groups defined by your
doctor. When you select a group name, the Stimulator
switches settings to the new group.
Back to Main Menu
The "Exit" button closes the Pain Control window. The
session ends, and returns to the Main Menu.
NOTE: When programming is complete, select the "Exit"
button. Turn off the programmer to conserve power.