Saccade Numerical Data Tables
Once you have completed your impulses click on the Results tab to open the saccade numerical data
Figure 5.1.2-1 Results tab for saccade numerical summary data
For Velocity Gains, you will see mean, standard deviations, medians and inter-quartal range (iqr) values.
For Saccades you will see amplitude, latency, peak velocity and total number of saccades. If more than
one saccade is generated by an individual head thrust then you will see first saccade, second saccade
and so on.
Under the Data heading you will see individual saccade parameters including the peak, amplitude and
latency for each saccade generated.
Figure 5.1.2-2 Saccade Numerical Data Table
EyeSeeCam vHIT - Instructions for Use - EN